Ext.NET  5.3.0
.NET Component Framework for Enterprise Level Apps
Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners:
Ext.Net.TablePanelListeners Ext.Net.PanelListeners Ext.Net.ContainerListeners Ext.Net.AbstractComponentListeners Ext.Net.ComponentListeners Ext.Net.BaseItem Ext.Net.IXObject Ext.Net.IBase Ext.Net.PropertyGridListeners


virtual ComponentListener?? GroupClick [get]
 Fires when group header is clicked. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject More...
virtual ComponentListener?? GroupContextMenu [get]
 Fires when group header is right clicked. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject More...
virtual ComponentListener?? GroupDblClick [get]
 Fires when group header is double clicked. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject More...
virtual ComponentListener?? GroupCollapse [get]
 Fires when group header is collapsed. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject More...
virtual ComponentListener?? GroupExpand [get]
 Fires when group header is double expanded. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject More...
override ComponentListener?? Reconfigure [get]
 Fires after a reconfigure Parameters item : Ext.grid.Panel store : Ext.data.Store The store that was passed to the reconfigure method columns : Object[] The column configs that were passed to the reconfigure method More...
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.TablePanelListeners
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyMouseUp [get]
 Fires when there is a mouse up on a row body element More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyMouseDown [get]
 Fires when there is a mouse down on a row body element More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyLongPress [get]
 Fires on a row body element longpress event More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyKeyUp [get]
 Fires when a key is released while a row body element is currently selected More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyKeyPress [get]
 Fires when a key is pressed while a row body element is currently selected. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyKeyDown [get]
 Fires when a key is pressed down while a row body element is currently selected More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyDblClick [get]
 Fires when a row body element is double clicked More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyContextMenu [get]
 Fires when a row body element is right clicked More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowBodyClick [get]
 Fires when a row body element is clicked More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyMouseUp [get]
 Fires before the mouseup event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyMouseDown [get]
 Fires before the mousedown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyLongPress [get]
 Fires before the longpress event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyKeyUp [get]
 Fires before the keyup event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyKeyPress [get]
 Fires before the keypress event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyKeyDown [get]
 Fires before the keydown event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyDblClick [get]
 Fires before the dblclick event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyContextMenu [get]
 Fires before the contextmenu event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRowBodyClick [get]
 Fires before the click event on a row body element is processed. Return false to cancel the default action. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? SelectionExtenderDrag [get]
 An event fired when an extension block is dragged to encompass a new range. Only fired when the SpreadsheetSelectionModel is used and configured with the extensible config. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? HeaderMenuCreate [get]
 Fired immediately after the column header menu is created. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeSelectionExtend [get]
 An event fired when an extension block is extended using a drag gesture. Only fired when the SpreadsheetSelectionModel is used and configured with the extensible config. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeSelect [get]
 Fired before a record is selected. If any listener returns false, the selection is cancelled. Parameters this : Ext.selection.RowModel record : Ext.data.Model The selected record index : Number The row index selected The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerClick [get]
 Fires before the click event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerContextMenu [get]
 Fires before the contextmenu event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerDblClick [get]
 Fires before the dblclick event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerKeyDown [get]
 Fires before the keydown event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerKeyPress [get]
 Fires before the keypress event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerKeyUp [get]
 Fires before the keyup event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerMouseDown [get]
 Fires before the mousedown event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerMouseOut [get]
 Fires before the mouseout event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerMouseOver [get]
 Fires before the mouseover event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeContainerMouseUp [get]
 Fires before the mouseup event on the container is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeDeselect [get]
 Fired before a record is deselected. If any listener returns false, the deselection is cancelled. Parameters item : Ext.selection.RowModel record : Ext.data.Model The deselected record index : Number The row index deselected More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeEdit [get]
 Forwarded event from Ext.grid.plugin.Editing. Fires before editing is triggered. Return false from event handler to stop the editing. Parameters item : Ext.grid.plugin.Editing e : Object An edit event with the following properties: More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemClick [get]
 Fires before the click event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemContextMenu [get]
 Fires before the contextmenu event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemDblClick [get]
 Fires before the dblclick event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemKeyDown [get]
 Fires before the keydown event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemKeyPress [get]
 Fires before the keypress event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemKeyUp [get]
 Fires before the keyup event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemMouseDown [get]
 Fires before the mousedown event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemMouseEnter [get]
 Fires before the mouseenter event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemMouseLeave [get]
 Fires before the mouseleave event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeItemMouseUp [get]
 Fires before the mouseup event on an item is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? CancelEdit [get]
 Forwarded event from Ext.grid.plugin.Editing. Fires when the user started editing but then cancelled the edit. Parameters item : Ext.grid.plugin.Editing e : Object An edit event with the following properties: grid - The grid record - The record that was edited field - The field name that was edited value - The value being set row - The grid table row column - The grid Column defining the column that was edited. rowIdx - The row index that was edited colIdx - The column index that was edited view - The grid view store - The grid store More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerClick [get]
 Fires when the container is clicked. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerContextMenu [get]
 Fires when the container is right clicked. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerDblClick [get]
 Fires when the container is double clicked. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerKeyDown [get]
 Fires when a key is pressed down while the container is focused, and no item is currently selected. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerKeyPress [get]
 Fires when a key is pressed while the container is focused, and no item is currently selected. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerKeyUp [get]
 Fires when a key is released while the container is focused, and no item is currently selected. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerMouseOut [get]
 Fires when you move the mouse out of the container. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerMouseOver [get]
 Fires when you move the mouse over the container. Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ContainerMouseUp [get]
 Fires when there is a mouse up on the container Parameters item : Ext.view.View e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Deselect [get]
 Fired after a record is deselected Parameters item : Ext.selection.RowModel record : Ext.data.Model The deselected record index : Number The row index deselected More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Edit [get]
 Forwarded event from Ext.grid.plugin.Editing. Fires after a editing. Parameters editor : Ext.grid.plugin.Editing e : Object An edit event with the following properties: More...
virtual ComponentListener?? FilterActivate [get]
 Fires when an inactive filter becomes active. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? FilterChange [get]
 Fires whenever the filter set changes. Parameters store : Ext.data.Store filters : Ext.util.Filter[] The associated operation More...
virtual ComponentListener?? FilterDeactivate [get]
 Fires when an active filter becomes inactive. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? GroupChange [get]
 Fired whenever the grouping in the grid changes. Parameters store : Ext.data.Store grouper : Ext.util.Grouper The grouper object. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemClick [get]
 Fires when an item is clicked. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemContextMenu [get]
 Fires when an item is right clicked. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemDblClick [get]
 Fires when an item is double clicked. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemKeyDown [get]
 Fires when a key is pressed down while an item is currently selected. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemKeyPress [get]
 Fires when a key is pressed while an item is currently selected. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemKeyUp [get]
 Fires when a key is released while an item is currently selected. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemMouseDown [get]
 Fires when there is a mouse down on an item Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemMouseEnter [get]
 Fires when the mouse enters an item. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemMouseLeave [get]
 Fires when the mouse leaves an item. Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ItemMouseUp [get]
 Fires when there is a mouse up on an item Parameters item : Ext.view.View record : Ext.data.Model The record that belongs to the item node : HTMLElement The item's element index : Number The item's index e : Ext.EventObject The raw event object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Reconfigure [get]
 Fires after a reconfigure Parameters item : Ext.panel.Table More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowClick [get]
 Fires when a row is clicked. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowContextMenu [get]
 Fires when a row is right clicked. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowDblClick [get]
 Fires when a row is double clicked. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowKeyDown [get]
 Fired when the keydown event is captured on the row. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowMouseDown [get]
 Fires when there is a mouse down on a row More...
virtual ComponentListener?? RowMouseUp [get]
 Fires when there is a mouse up on a row More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ScrollerHide [get]
 Fires when a scroller is hidden Parameters scroller : Ext.grid.Scroller orientation : String Orientation, can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal' More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ScrollerShow [get]
 Fires when a scroller is shown Parameters scroller : Ext.grid.Scroller orientation : String Orientation, can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal' More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ColumnHide [get]
 Parameters item : Ext.grid.header.Container The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ColumnMove [get]
 Parameters item : Ext.grid.header.Container The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ColumnResize [get]
 Parameters item : Ext.grid.header.Container The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ColumnShow [get]
 Parameters item : Ext.grid.header.Container The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? CellClick [get]
 Fired when table cell is clicked. Parameters item : GridView td : HTMLElement The TD element that was clicked. cellIndex : Number record : Ext.data.Model tr : HTMLElement The TR element that was clicked. rowIndex : Number e : Ext.EventObject More...
virtual ComponentListener?? CellDblClick [get]
 Fired when table cell is double clicked. Parameters item : GridView td : object The TD element that was clicked. cellIndex : object record : object tr : object The TR element that was clicked. rowIndex : object e : object More...
virtual ComponentListener?? LockColumn [get]
 Fires when a column is locked. Parameters item : TablePanel (GridPanel or TreePanel) column : object The column being locked. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ProcessColumns [get]
 Fires when the configured (or reconfigured) column set is split into two depending on the locked flag. Parameters item : TablePanel (GridPanel or TreePanel) lockedColumns : object The locked columns. normalColumns : object The normal columns. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? SelectionChange [get]
 Fired after a selection change has occurred Parameters item : Ext.selection.Model selected : Array The selected records More...
virtual ComponentListener?? SortChange [get]
 Parameters item : Ext.grid.header.Container The grid's header Container which encapsulates all column headers. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Select [get]
 Fired after a record is selected Parameters item : Ext.selection.RowModel record : Ext.data.Model The selected record index : Number The row index selected More...
virtual ComponentListener?? UnlockColumn [get]
 Fires when a column is unlocked. Parameters item : TablePanel (GridPanel or TreePanel) column : object The column being unlocked. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ValidateEdit [get]
 Forwarded event from Ext.grid.plugin.Editing. Fires after editing, but before the value is set in the record. Return false from event handler to cancel the change. Parameters item : Ext.grid.plugin.Editing e : Object An edit event with the following properties: More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ViewReady [get]
 Fires when the grid view is available (use this for selecting a default row). Parameters item : Ext.panel.Table More...
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.PanelListeners
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeClose [get]
 Fires before the user closes the panel. Return false from any listener to stop the close event being fired Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeCollapse [get]
 Fires before this panel is collapsed. Return false to prevent the collapse. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel The Panel being collapsed. direction : string The direction of the collapse. animate : bool True if the collapse is animated, else false. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeExpand [get]
 Fires before this panel is expanded. Return false to prevent the expand. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel The Panel being expanded. animate : bool True if the expand is animated, else false. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Close [get]
 Fires when the user closes the panel. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Collapse [get]
 Fires after the Panel has been collapsed. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Expand [get]
 Fires after the Panel has been expanded. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel More...
virtual ComponentListener?? GlyphChange [get]
 Fired when the Panel glyph has been changed by the setGlyph method. Parameters item : Ext.button.Button newGlyph : Number/String oldGlyph : Number/String More...
virtual ComponentListener?? TitleChange [get]
 Fires after the Panel title has been set or changed. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel The Panel which has had its title changed. newTitle : String The new title. oldTitle : String The previous panel title. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? IconClsChange [get]
 Fires after the Panel icon class has been set or changed. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel The Panel which has the iconCls changed. newIconCls : string The new iconCls. oldIconCls : string The previous panel iconCls. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? IconChange [get]
 Fires after the Panel icon has been set or changed. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel The Panel which has the icon changed. newIcon : string The path to the new icon image. oldIcon : string The path to the previous panel icon image. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Float [get]
 Fires after a collapsed Panel has been "floated" by clicking on it's header. Only applicable when the Panel is an item in a Border Layout. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Unfloat [get]
 Fires after a "floated" Panel has returned to it's collapsed state as a result of the mouse leaving the Panel. Only applicable when the Panel is an item in a Border Layout. Parameters item : Ext.panel.Panel More...
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.ContainerListeners
virtual ComponentListener?? Add [get]
 Fires after any AbstractComponent is added or inserted into the content Container. Listeners will be called with the following arguments: item : Ext.Container component : Ext.AbstractComponent The component that was added index : Number The index at which the component was added to the container's items collection More...
virtual ComponentListener?? AfterLayout [get]
 Fires when the components in this container are arranged by the associated layout manager. Parameters item : Ext.container.Container layout : ContainerLayout The ContainerLayout implementation for this container More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeAdd [get]
 Fires before any AbstractComponent is added or inserted into the content Container. A handler can return false to cancel the add. Parameters item : Ext.container.Container component : Ext.AbstractComponent The component being added index : Number The index at which the component will be added to the container's items collection More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRemove [get]
 Fires before any AbstractComponent is removed from the content Container. A handler can return false to cancel the remove. Parameters item : Ext.container.Container component : Ext.AbstractComponent The component being removed More...
virtual ComponentListener?? ChildMove [get]
 Fires after any Ext.Component has changed its ordinal position within the container. Parameters this : Ext.container.Container component : Ext.Component The component that was moved prevIndex : Number The previous ordinal position of the Component newIndex : Number The new ordinal position of the Component More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Remove [get]
 Fires after any AbstractComponent is removed from the content Container. item : Ext.container.Container component : Ext.AbstractComponent The component that was removed More...
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.AbstractComponentListeners
virtual ComponentListener?? FocusEnter [get]
 Fires when focus enters this Component's hierarchy. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? FocusLeave [get]
 Fires when focus leaves this Component's hierarchy. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Activate [get]
 Fires after a AbstractComponent has been visually activated. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Added [get]
 Fires after a AbstractComponent had been added to a Container. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent container : Ext.container.Container Parent Container pos : Number position of AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? AfterLayoutAnimation [get]
 This event fires after a component's layout has been updated by a layout that included animation (e.g., a panel in an accordion layout). More...
virtual ComponentListener?? AfterRender [get]
 Fires after the component rendering is finished. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeActivate [get]
 Fires before a AbstractComponent has been visually activated. Returning false from an event listener can prevent the activate from occurring. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeDeactivate [get]
 Fires before a AbstractComponent has been visually deactivated. Returning false from an event listener can prevent the deactivate from occurring. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeDestroy [get]
 Fires before the component is destroyed. Return false from an event handler to stop the destroy. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeHide [get]
 Fires before the component is hidden when calling the hide method. Return false from an event handler to stop the hide. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeRender [get]
 Fires before the component is rendered. Return false from an event handler to stop the render. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeShow [get]
 Fires before the component is shown when calling the show method. Return false from an event handler to stop the show. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Deactivate [get]
 Fires after a AbstractComponent has been visually deactivated. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Destroy [get]
 Fires after the component is destroyed. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Disable [get]
 Fires after the component is disabled. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Enable [get]
 Fires after the component is enabled. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Hide [get]
 Fires after the component is hidden. Fires after the component is hidden when calling the hide method. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Move [get]
 Fires after the component is moved. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent x : Number The new x position y : Number The new y position More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Removed [get]
 Fires when a component is removed from an Ext.container.Container Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent ownerCt : Ext.container.Container Container which holds the component More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Render [get]
 Fires after the component markup is rendered. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Resize [get]
 Fires after the component is resized. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent adjWidth : Number The box-adjusted width that was set adjHeight : Number The box-adjusted height that was set More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Show [get]
 Fires after the component is shown when calling the show method. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeStateRestore [get]
 Fires before the state of the component is restored. Return false to stop the restore. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent state : object The hash of state values More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BeforeStateSave [get]
 Fires before the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Return false to stop the save. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent state : object The hash of state values More...
virtual ComponentListener?? StateRestore [get]
 Fires after the state of the component is restored. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent state : object The hash of state values More...
virtual ComponentListener?? StateSave [get]
 Fires after the state of the component is saved to the configured state provider. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent state : object The hash of state values More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Blur [get]
 Fires when this Component loses focus. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent e : Ext.EventObject blur event. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Focus [get]
 Fires when this Component receives focus. Parameters item : Ext.AbstractComponent e : Ext.EventObject focus event. More...
virtual ComponentListener?? BoxReady [get]
 Fires one time - after the component has been layed out for the first time at its initial size. Parameters item : Ext.Component width : Number The initial width height : Number The initial height More...
virtual ComponentListener?? DoubleTap [get]
 A simple event recognizer which knows when you double tap. Parameters item : Ext.Component e : Event More...
virtual ComponentListener?? Drag [get]
virtual ComponentListener?? EdgeSwipe [get]
virtual ComponentListener?? LongPress [get]
virtual ComponentListener?? Pinch [get]
virtual ComponentListener?? Rotate [get]
virtual ComponentListener?? Swipe [get]
virtual ComponentListener?? Tap [get]
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.BaseItem
virtual string InstanceOf [get]
ItemState State [get]
virtual DefaultValueMode DefaultValueMode [get, set]
virtual bool DesignMode [get]
bool AutoDataBind [get, set]
ResourceManager ResourceManager [get]
virtual Control Owner [get, set]
 The Owner Control for this Listener. More...
virtual bool IsDefault [get]
 Does this object currently represent it's default state. More...
bool IsTrackingViewState [get]
EventHandlerList Events [get]
EventHandler DataBinding
Control?? BindingContainer [get]
virtual ConfigItemCollection?? CustomConfig [get]
 Collection of custom js config More...
virtual ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
virtual ConfigOptionsExtraction ConfigOptionsExtraction [get]
System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper?? HtmlHelper [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.IXObject
ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
ConfigOptionsExtraction ConfigOptionsExtraction [get]
DefaultValueMode DefaultValueMode [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.ComponentListeners
virtual void ClearListeners ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseItem
virtual bool HasExplicitValue (string name)
void EnsureDataBind ()
virtual void Call (string name)
virtual void Call (string name, params object[] args)
virtual void AddScript (string script)
virtual void AddScript (string script, params object[] args)
virtual bool IsEmptyObject ()
Apply< T > (IApply config)
BaseItem Apply (object config)
virtual void LoadViewState (object state)
virtual object SaveViewState ()
virtual void TrackViewState ()
void SetDirty ()
virtual void DataBind ()
virtual IControlBuilder ToNativeBuilder ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseItem
 BaseItem (Control owner)
 BaseItem ()
virtual void OwnerUpdate (Control owner)
virtual void OnDataBinding (EventArgs e)

Detailed Description

Property Documentation

◆ ConfigOptions

override ConfigOptionsCollection Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners.ConfigOptions

◆ GroupClick

virtual ComponentListener?? Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners.GroupClick

Fires when group header is clicked. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject

◆ GroupCollapse

virtual ComponentListener?? Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners.GroupCollapse

Fires when group header is collapsed. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject

◆ GroupContextMenu

virtual ComponentListener?? Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners.GroupContextMenu

Fires when group header is right clicked. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject

◆ GroupDblClick

virtual ComponentListener?? Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners.GroupDblClick

Fires when group header is double clicked. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject

◆ GroupExpand

virtual ComponentListener?? Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners.GroupExpand

Fires when group header is double expanded. Only applies for grids with a Grouping feature. Parameters view : Ext.view.Table node : HTMLElement group : String The name of the group e : Ext.EventObject

◆ Reconfigure

override ComponentListener?? Ext.Net.GridPanelListeners.Reconfigure

Fires after a reconfigure Parameters item : Ext.grid.Panel store : Ext.data.Store The store that was passed to the reconfigure method columns : Object[] The column configs that were passed to the reconfigure method

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