Ext.NET  5.3.0
.NET Component Framework for Enterprise Level Apps
Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config:
Ext.Net.Field.Config Ext.Net.ComponentBase.Config Ext.Net.AbstractComponent.Config Ext.Net.Observable.Config Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config Ext.Net.IApply Ext.Net.DisplayTimeField.Config

Static Public Member Functions

static implicit operator DisplayField.Builder (DisplayField.Config config)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
static Config ToConfig (string config)
static TConfig ToConfig< TConfig > (string config)


virtual string Format [get, set]
 The format of the string to render using the .Text property. Example 'Hello {0}'. More...
virtual string EmptyText [get, set]
 The default text to display if the Text property is empty (defaults to ''). More...
virtual bool HtmlEncode [get, set]
 True to escape HTML in text when rendering it. More...
virtual string Text [get, set]
 The plain text to display within the label (defaults to ''). If you need to include HTML tags within the label's innerHTML, use the html config instead. More...
JFunction Renderer [get]
 A function to transform the raw value for display in the field. The function will receive 2 arguments, the raw value and the Ext.form.field.Display object. More...
FieldListeners Listeners [get]
 Client-side JavaScript Event Handlers More...
FieldDirectEvents DirectEvents [get]
 Server-side Ajax Event Handlers More...
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.Field.Config
virtual bool AutoPostBack [get, set]
 TextBox_AutoPostBack More...
virtual string PostBackEvent [get, set]
virtual bool CausesValidation [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is performed when the control is set to validate when a postback occurs. More...
virtual string ValidationGroup [get, set]
 Gets or Sets the Controls ValidationGroup More...
virtual string ActiveError [get, set]
 If specified, then the component will be displayed with this value as its active error when first rendered. Defaults to undefined. Use setActiveError or unsetActiveError to change it after component creation. More...
virtual XTemplate ActiveErrorsTpl [get, set]
 The template used to format the Array of error messages passed to setActiveErrors into a single HTML string. By default this renders each message as an item in an unordered list. More...
virtual string AriaErrorText [get, set]
 Localized announcement text for validation errors. More...
virtual string AriaHelp [get, set]
 Optional text description for this object. More...
virtual bool AutoFitErrors [get, set]
 Whether to adjust the component's body area to make room for 'side' or 'under' error messages. Defaults to true. More...
virtual string BaseBodyCls [get, set]
 The CSS class to be applied to the body content element. Defaults to 'x-form-item-body'. More...
virtual int CheckChangeBuffer [get, set]
 Defines a timeout in milliseconds for buffering checkChangeEvents that fire in rapid succession. Defaults to 50 milliseconds. More...
virtual string[] CheckChangeEvents [get, set]
 A list of event names that will be listened for on the field's input element, which will cause the field's value to be checked for changes. If a change is detected, the change event will be fired, followed by validation if the validateOnChange option is enabled. More...
virtual string ClearCls [get, set]
 The CSS class used to to apply to the special clearing div rendered directly after each form field wrapper to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-clear'). More...
virtual string DirtyCls [get, set]
 The CSS class to use when the field value is dirty. More...
virtual string ErrorMsgCls [get, set]
 The CSS class to be applied to the error message element. Defaults to 'x-form-error-msg'. More...
virtual string FieldBodyCls [get, set]
 An extra CSS class to be applied to the body content element in addition to baseBodyCls. Defaults to Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'field-body'. More...
virtual string FieldCls [get, set]
 The default CSS class for the field input (defaults to 'x-form-field'). More...
virtual string FieldLabel [get, set]
 The label for the field. It gets appended with the labelSeparator, and its position and sizing is determined by the labelAlign, labelWidth, and labelPad configs. Defaults to undefined. More...
virtual string FieldStyle [get, set]
 Optional CSS style(s) to be applied to the field input element. Should be a valid argument to Ext.Element.applyStyles. Defaults to undefined. See also the setFieldStyle method for changing the style after initialization. More...
virtual XTemplate FieldSubTpl [get, set]
 The content of the field body is defined by this config option. More...
override string FocusCls [get, set]
 The CSS class to use when the field receives focus (defaults to 'x-form-focus') More...
virtual string FormItemCls [get, set]
 A CSS class to be applied to the outermost element to denote that it is participating in the form field layout. Defaults to 'x-form-item'. More...
virtual bool HideEmptyLabel [get, set]
 When set to true, the label element (fieldLabel and labelSeparator) will be automatically hidden if the fieldLabel is empty. More...
virtual bool HideLabel [get, set]
 Set to true to completely hide the label element (fieldLabel and labelSeparator). Defaults to false. More...
virtual string InputID [get, set]
 The id that will be given to the generated input DOM element. Defaults to an automatically generated id. If you configure this manually, you must make sure it is unique in the document. More...
virtual InputType InputType [get, set]
 The type attribute for input fields. More...
virtual string InvalidCls [get, set]
 The CSS class to use when marking the component invalid (defaults to 'x-form-invalid') More...
virtual string InvalidText [get, set]
 The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided (defaults to 'The value in this field is invalid'). More...
virtual LabelAlign LabelAlign [get, set]
 Controls the position and alignment of the fieldLabel. More...
virtual string LabelCls [get, set]
 The CSS class to be applied to the label element. More...
virtual int LabelPad [get, set]
 The amount of space in pixels between the fieldLabel and the input field. Defaults to 5. More...
virtual string LabelSeparator [get, set]
 Character(s) to be inserted at the end of the label text. More...
virtual string LabelStyle [get, set]
 A CSS style specification string to apply directly to this field's label. Defaults to undefined. More...
virtual int LabelWidth [get, set]
 The width of the fieldLabel in pixels. Only applicable if the labelAlign is set to "left" or "right". Defaults to 100. More...
virtual MessageTarget MsgTarget [get, set]
 The location where the error message text should display. More...
virtual string MsgTargetElement [get, set]
 Add the error message directly to the innerHTML of the specified element. More...
virtual string Name [get, set]
 The field's HTML name attribute (defaults to ''). Note: this property must be set if this field is to be automatically included with form submit(). More...
virtual string DataIndex [get, set]
virtual bool PreventMark [get, set]
 true to disable displaying any error message set on this object. Defaults to false. More...
virtual bool ReadOnly [get, set]
 true to mark the field as readOnly in HTML (defaults to false). More...
virtual string ReadOnlyCls [get, set]
 The CSS class applied to the component's main element when it is readOnly. More...
virtual bool SubmitValue [get, set]
 Setting this to false will prevent the field from being submitted even when it is not disabled. Defaults to true. More...
override short TabIndex [get, set]
 The tabIndex for this field. Note this only applies to fields that are rendered, not those which are built via applyTo (defaults to undefined). More...
virtual bool ValidateOnBlur [get, set]
 Whether the field should validate when it loses focus (defaults to true). This will cause fields to be validated as the user steps through the fields in the form regardless of whether they are making changes to those fields along the way. See also validateOnChange. More...
virtual bool ValidateOnChange [get, set]
 Specifies whether this field should be validated immediately whenever a change in its value is detected. More...
virtual ? bool ValidateOnFocusLeave [get, set]
 Set to true to validate the field when focus leaves the field's component hierarchy entirely. More...
virtual string Validation [get, set]
 This property, when a String, contributes its value to the error state of this instance as reported by getErrors. Defaults to null. More...
virtual XTemplate InputAttrTpl [get, set]
 An optional string to insert in the field markup inside the input element (as attributes). More...
virtual XTemplate AfterLabelTextTpl [get, set]
 An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup after the label text. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context. More...
virtual XTemplate AfterLabelTpl [get, set]
 An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup after the label text. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context. More...
virtual XTemplate AfterSubTpl [get, set]
 An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup after the subTpl markup. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context. More...
virtual XTemplate BeforeLabelTextTpl [get, set]
 An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup before the label text. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context. More...
virtual XTemplate BeforeLabelTpl [get, set]
 An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup before the label element. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context. More...
virtual XTemplate BeforeSubTpl [get, set]
 An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup before the subTpl markup. If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context. More...
virtual XTemplate LabelAttrTpl [get, set]
 An optional string or XTemplate configuration to insert in the field markup inside the label element (as attributes). If an XTemplate is used, the component's render data serves as the context. More...
virtual string LabelClsExtra [get, set]
 An optional string of one or more additional CSS classes to add to the label element. Defaults to empty. More...
virtual bool PreserveIndicatorIcon [get, set]
 Preserve indicator icon place. Defaults to false More...
virtual string IndicatorText [get, set]
 The indicator text. More...
virtual string IndicatorCls [get, set]
 The indicator css class. More...
virtual string IndicatorIconCls [get, set]
 The indicator icon class. More...
virtual Icon IndicatorIcon [get, set]
virtual string IndicatorTip [get, set]
 The indicator tip. More...
virtual QTipCfg IndicatorTipConfig [get, set]
virtual string Note [get, set]
 The note. More...
virtual string NoteCls [get, set]
 The note css class. More...
virtual NoteAlign NoteAlign [get, set]
 Note align More...
virtual bool NoteEncode [get, set]
 True to encode note text More...
JFunction GetErrors [get]
 Runs this field's validators and returns an array of error messages for any validation failures. More...
virtual object Value [get, set]
 A value to initialize this field with. More...
virtual object RawValue [get, set]
 The raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see Value property. More...
virtual object EmptyValue [get, set]
 The fields null value. More...
JFunction Validator [get]
 A custom validation function to be called during field validation (getErrors) (defaults to undefined). If specified, this function will be called first, allowing the developer to override the default validation process. More...
virtual string ValidatorText [get, set]
 A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the validator currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if validator is set, else ignored. More...
override ShrinkWrap ShrinkWrap [get, set]
 In CSS terms, shrink-wrap width is analogous to an inline-block element as opposed to a block-level element. Some container layouts always shrink-wrap their children, effectively ignoring this property (e.g., Ext.layout.container.HBox, Ext.layout.container.VBox, Ext.layout.component.Dock). The Default is "Both". More...
virtual ValidationType StandardVtype [get, set]
 A validation type name as defined in Ext.form.VTypes (defaults to null). More...
virtual string Vtype [get, set]
 A validation type name as defined in Ext.form.VTypes (defaults to null). More...
virtual string VtypeText [get, set]
 A custom error message to display in place of the default message provided for the vtype currently set for this field (defaults to ''). Only applies if vtype is set, else ignored. More...
ParameterCollection VTypeParams [get]
 Parameters are passed to VType validation method More...
virtual bool IsRemoteValidation [get, set]
RemoteValidationDirectEvent RemoteValidation [get]
virtual bool RethrowLoadPostDataException [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.ComponentBase.Config
virtual string DefaultBindProperty [get, set]
 This property is used to determine the property of a bind config that is just the value. For example, if defaultBindProperty="value", then this shorthand bind config: bind: '{name}' Is equivalent to this object form: bind: { value: '{name}' }. More...
virtual bool Draggable [get, set]
 Allows the component to be dragged via the touch event. More...
virtual ComponentDragger DraggableConfig [get, set]
 Specify as true to make a floating AbstractComponent draggable using the AbstractComponent's encapsulating element as the drag handle. More...
virtual bool MaintainFlex [get, set]
 Specifies that if an immediate sibling Splitter is moved, the AbstractComponent on the other side is resized, and this AbstractComponent maintains its configured flex value. More...
virtual object MaskDefaults [get, set]
 Default LoadMask configuration for method-setLoading. More...
virtual Overflow OverflowX [get, set]
 Possible values are: * 'auto' to enable automatic horizontal scrollbar (overflow-x: 'auto'). * 'scroll' to always enable horizontal scrollbar (overflow-x: 'scroll'). The default is overflow-x: 'hidden'. This should not be combined with scrollable. More...
virtual Overflow OverflowY [get, set]
 Possible values are: * 'auto' to enable automatic vertical scrollbar (overflow-y: 'auto'). * 'scroll' to always enable vertical scrollbar (overflow-y: 'scroll'). The default is overflow-y: 'hidden'. This should not be combined with scrollable. More...
virtual ? bool Resizable [get, set]
 Specify as true to apply a Resizer to this AbstractComponent after rendering. More...
virtual Resizer ResizableConfig [get, set]
 Specify as a config object to apply a Resizer to this AbstractComponent after rendering. More...
virtual ResizeHandle ResizeHandles [get, set]
 A valid Ext.resizer.Resizer handles config string (defaults to 'all'). Only applies when resizable = true. More...
virtual string ResizeHandlesSummary [get, set]
 A valid Ext.resizer.Resizer handles config string (defaults to 'all'). Only applies when resizable = true. More...
virtual ScrollableOption Scrollable [get, set]
 Configuration options to make the Component scrollable More...
virtual bool ToFrontOnShow [get, set]
 True to automatically call toFront when the show method is called on an already visible, floating component (default is true). More...
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.AbstractComponent.Config
virtual string Action [get, set]
 Specifies an action for this component More...
virtual string TagHiddenName [get, set]
virtual object Tag [get, set]
 An Object that contains data about the Component. The default is a null reference. More...
virtual string TagString [get, set]
virtual string AlignTarget [get, set]
 A Component or Element by which to position this component according to the defaultAlign. Defaults to ths owning Container. Only applicable if this component is floating. Used upon first show. More...
virtual JsonObject AriaAttributes [get, set]
 An object containing ARIA attributes to be set on this Component's ARIA element. Use this to set the attributes that cannot be determined by the Component's state. Defaults to: {$value: null, lazy: true} More...
virtual string AriaDescribedBy [get, set]
 DOM selector for a child element that is to be used as description for this Component, set in aria-describedby attribute. The selector works the same way as ariaLabelledBy. More...
virtual string AriaLabel [get, set]
 ARIA label for this Component. It is best to use ariaLabelledBy option instead, because screen readers prefer aria-labelledby attribute to aria-label. ariaLabelledBy takes precedence if both specified. More...
virtual string AriaLabelledBy [get, set]
 DOM selector for a child element that is to be used as label for this Component, set in aria-labelledby attribute. If the selector is by #id, the label element can be any existing element, not necessarily a child of the main Component element. Overrides ariaLabel if both specified. More...
virtual string AriaRole [get, set]
 ARIA role for this Component, defaults to no role. With no role, no other ARIA attributes are set. More...
DomObject AutoEl [get]
 A tag name or DomHelper spec used to create the Element which will encapsulate this AbstractComponent. More...
ParameterCollection Bind [get]
 Setting this config option adds or removes data bindings for other configs. More...
virtual object ViewModel [get, set]
virtual object BindObject [get, set]
virtual string BindString [get, set]
virtual bool DestroyContent [get, set]
 If true then component will search components inside Content area and destroy it during own destroy More...
virtual bool AutoRender [get, set]
 This config is intended mainly for floating Components which may or may not be shown. Instead of using renderTo in the configuration, and rendering upon construction, this allows a AbstractComponent to render itself upon first show. Default is false. More...
virtual string AutoRenderElement [get, set]
 This config is intended mainly for floating Components which may or may not be shown. Instead of using renderTo in the configuration, and rendering upon construction, this allows a AbstractComponent to render itself upon first show. Default is false. More...
virtual bool AutoShow [get, set]
 True to automatically show the component upon creation. This config option may only be used for floating components or components that use autoRender. Defaults to false. More...
virtual string BaseCls [get, set]
 The base CSS class to apply to this components's element. This will also be prepended to elements within this component like Panel's body will get a class x-panel-body. This means that if you create a subclass of Panel, and you want it to get all the Panels styling for the element and the body, you leave the baseCls x-panel and use componentCls to add specific styling for this component. More...
virtual ? bool Border [get, set]
 Specify false to turn off the border for this component. More...
virtual string BorderSpec [get, set]
 Specifies the border for this component. The border can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10'. More...
ChildElementCollection ChildEls [get]
 An array describing the child elements of the Component. More...
virtual string Cls [get, set]
 An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. More...
virtual string ComponentCls [get, set]
 CSS Class to be added to a components root level element to give distinction to it via styling. More...
virtual string ComponentLayout [get, set]
virtual string CtCls [get, set]
 An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's container. This can be useful for adding customized styles to the container or any of its children using standard CSS rules. More...
virtual bool Constrain [get, set]
 True to constrain this Components within its containing element, false to allow it to fall outside of its containing element. By default this Component will be rendered to document.body. To render and constrain this Component within another element specify renderTo. Defaults to: false More...
virtual string ConstrainToElement [get, set]
 A Region (or an element from which a Region measurement will be read) which is used to constrain the component. Only applies when the component is floating. More...
virtual System.Drawing.? Rectangle ConstrainToRegion [get, set]
 A Region (or an element from which a Region measurement will be read) which is used to constrain the component. Only applies when the component is floating. More...
virtual string ConstraintInsets [get, set]
 An object or a string (in TRBL order) specifying insets from the configured constrain region within which this component must be constrained when positioning or sizing. example: constraintInsets: '10 10 10 10' // Constrain with 10px insets from parent More...
virtual object Data [get, set]
 The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to update the content area of the AbstractComponent. More...
virtual string DefaultAlign [get, set]
 The default Ext.dom.Element::getAlignToXY anchor position value for this component relative to its alignTarget (which defaults to its owning Container). Only applicable if this component is floating. Used upon first show. Defaults to: "c-c" More...
virtual bool Disabled [get, set]
 Render this component disabled (default is false). More...
virtual string DisabledCls [get, set]
 CSS class to add when the AbstractComponent is disabled. Defaults to 'x-item-disabled'. More...
virtual Dock Dock [get, set]
 The dock position of this component in its parent panel More...
virtual bool Fixed [get, set]
 Configure as true to have this Component fixed at its X, Y coordinates in the browser viewport, immune to scrolling the document. Defaults to: false More...
virtual bool Floating [get, set]
 Specify as true to float the AbstractComponent outside of the document flow using CSS absolute positioning. More...
virtual LayerConfig FloatingConfig [get, set]
 Additional floating configs More...
virtual bool Frame [get, set]
 Specify as true to have the AbstractComponent inject framing elements within the AbstractComponent at render time to provide a graphical rounded frame around the AbstractComponent content. More...
virtual bool FormBind [get, set]
 Any component within the FormPanel can be configured with formBind: true. This will cause that component to be automatically disabled when the form is invalid, and enabled when it is valid. This is most commonly used for Button components to prevent submitting the form in an invalid state, but can be used on any component type. More...
virtual ? bool Focusable [get, set]
 Set to true for interactive Components, false for static Components. For Containers, this property reflects interactiveness of the Container itself, not its children. Defaults to false. More...
virtual string FocusCls [get, set]
 CSS class that will be added to focused Component, and removed when Component blurs. More...
override Unit Height [get, set]
 The height of this component in pixels. More...
virtual string HeightSpec [get, set]
virtual bool Hidden [get, set]
 Render this component hidden (default is false). If true, the hide method will be called internally. More...
virtual HideMode HideMode [get, set]
 A String which specifies how this AbstractComponent's encapsulating DOM element will be hidden. More...
virtual string Html [get, set]
 An HTML fragment, or a DomHelper specification to use as the layout element content (defaults to '') More...
virtual ? bool LiquidLayout [get, set]
virtual ComponentLoader Loader [get, set]
 A configuration object or an instance of a Ext.ComponentLoader to load remote content for this AbstractComponent. More...
virtual ? int Margin [get, set]
 Specifies the margin for this component. The margin can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10'. More...
virtual string MarginSpec [get, set]
 Specifies the margin for this component. The margin can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10'. More...
virtual string MaskElement [get, set]
 The name of the element property in this component to mask when masked by a LoadMask. More...
virtual ? bool MaskOnDisable [get, set]
 This is an internal flag that you use when creating custom components. More...
virtual ? int MaxHeight [get, set]
 The maximum value in pixels which this AbstractComponent will set its height to. More...
virtual ? int MaxWidth [get, set]
 The maximum value in pixels which this AbstractComponent will set its width to. More...
virtual ? int MinHeight [get, set]
 The minimum value in pixels which this AbstractComponent will set its height to. More...
virtual ? int MinWidth [get, set]
 The minimum value in pixels which this AbstractComponent will set its width to. More...
virtual ? bool ModelValidation [get, set]
 This config enables binding to your Ext.data.Model.validators. More...
virtual string OverCls [get, set]
 An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element when the mouse moves over the Element, and removed when the mouse moves out. (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized 'active' or 'hover' styles to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules. More...
virtual ? int Padding [get, set]
 Specifies the padding for this component. The padding can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10'. More...
virtual string PaddingSpec [get, set]
 Specifies the padding for this component. The padding can be a single numeric value to apply to all sides or it can be a CSS style specification for each style, for example: '10 5 3 10'. More...
ItemsCollection< PluginPlugins [get]
 An object or array of objects that will provide custom functionality for this component. The only requirement for a valid plugin is that it contain an init method that accepts a reference of type Ext.AbstractComponent. When a component is created, if any plugins are available, the component will call the init method on each plugin, passing a reference to itself. Each plugin can then call methods or respond to events on the component as needed to provide its functionality. More...
virtual string Publishes [get, set]
 One or more names of config properties that this component should publish to its ViewModel. Some components override this and publish their most useful configs by default. More...
virtual string[] PublishesArray [get, set]
 One or more names of config properties that this component should publish to its ViewModel. Some components override this and publish their most useful configs by default. More...
virtual object PublishesObject [get, set]
 One or more names of config properties that this component should publish to its ViewModel. Some components override this and publish their most useful configs by default. More...
virtual string Reference [get, set]
 Specifies a name for this component inside its component hierarchy. This name must be unique within its view or its ViewController. See the documentation in Ext.container.Container for more information about references. More...
ParameterCollection RenderData [get]
 The data used by renderTpl in addition to the following property values of the component : id, ui, uiCls, baseCls, componentCls, frame More...
virtual object RenderDataObject [get, set]
 The data used by renderTpl in addition to the following property values of the component More...
ParameterCollection RenderSelectors [get]
 An object containing properties specifying DomQuery selectors which identify child elements created by the render process. More...
virtual string RenderTo [get, set]
 Specify the id of the element, a DOM element or an existing Element that this component will be rendered into. More...
virtual ? bool RTL [get, set]
 True to layout this component and its descendants in "rtl" (right-to-left) mode. Can be explicitly set to false to override a true value inherited from an ancestor. More...
virtual bool Session [get, set]
 If provided this creates a new Session instance for this component. If this is a Container, this will then be inherited by all child components. More...
virtual object TouchAction [get, set]
 Emulates the behavior of the CSS touch-action property in a cross-browser compatible manner. More...
virtual XTemplate RenderTpl [get, set]
 An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this AbstractComponent's encapsulating Element. More...
virtual ShrinkWrap ShrinkWrap [get, set]
 In CSS terms, shrink-wrap width is analogous to an inline-block element as opposed to a block-level element. Some container layouts always shrink-wrap their children, effectively ignoring this property (e.g., Ext.layout.container.HBox, Ext.layout.container.VBox, Ext.layout.component.Dock). The Default is "Height". More...
virtual string StyleSpec [get, set]
 A custom style specification to be applied to this component's Element. More...
virtual string StyleHtmlCls [get, set]
 The class that is added to the content target when you set styleHtmlContent to true. Defaults to 'x-html' More...
virtual bool StyleHtmlContent [get, set]
 True to automatically style the html inside the content target of this component (body for panels). Defaults to false. More...
virtual XTemplate Tpl [get, set]
 An XTemplate used to create the internal structure inside this AbstractComponent's encapsulating Element. More...
virtual TemplateWriteMode TplWriteMode [get, set]
 The Ext.(X)Template method to use when updating the content area of the AbstractComponent. Defaults to 'overwrite' More...
override short TabIndex [get, set]
 DOM tabIndex attribute for this Focusable More...
virtual UI UI [get, set]
 A set of predefined ui styles for individual components. Most components support 'light' and 'dark'. Extra string added to the baseCls with an extra '-'. More...
virtual string UIName [get, set]
 A set of predefined ui styles for individual components. Most components support 'light' and 'dark'. Extra string added to the baseCls with an extra '-'. More...
virtual string UserCls [get, set]
 One or more CSS classes to add to the component's primary element. This config is intended solely for use by the component instantiator (the "user"), not by derived classes. More...
override Unit Width [get, set]
 The width of this component in pixels. More...
virtual string WidthSpec [get, set]
virtual JFunction PreInit [get, set]
virtual KeyBindItemCollection KeyMap [get, set]
 An object containing handlers for keyboard events. More...
virtual KeyNav KeyNav [get, set]
ResponsiveRules ResponsiveConfig [get]
ResponsiveFormulas ResponsiveFormulas [get]
virtual string Anchor [get, set]
 This config is only used when this AbstractComponent is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use an AnchorLayout based layout manager More...
virtual string DefaultAnchor [get, set]
 The DefaultAnchor is applied as the Anchor config item to all child Items during render. More...
virtual string AnchorHorizontal [get, set]
 See Anchor property More...
virtual string AnchorVertical [get, set]
 See Anchor property More...
virtual Region Region [get, set]
 Note: this config is only used when this AbstractComponent is rendered by a Container which has been configured to use the BorderLayout layout manager (e.g. specifying layout:'border'). More...
virtual bool SplitterResize [get, set]
 This configuration option is to be applied to the child items managed by this layout and is used in conjunction with split. By default, when specifying split, the region can be dragged to be resized. Set this option to false to show the split bar but prevent resizing. Defaults to: true More...
virtual bool Split [get, set]
 Only actual for items managed by Border layout. Each region with Split="true" will get a Splitter that allows for manual resizing of the container. Except for the center region. More...
virtual BoxSplitter SplitterConfig [get, set]
 Only actual for items managed by Border layout. Each region with a SplitterConfig will get a Splitter that allows for manual resizing of the container. Except for the center region. More...
virtual double ColumnWidth [get, set]
 The ColumnWidth property is only used with ColumnLayout is used. The ColumnWidth property is always evaluated as a percentage, and must be a decimal value greater than 0 and less than 1. More...
virtual int Flex [get, set]
 NOTE: This property is only used when the parent Layout is HBoxLayout or VBoxLayout. This configuation option is to be applied to child items of the container managed by this layout. Each child item with a flex property will be flexed horizontally according to each item's relative flex value compared to the sum of all items with a flex value specified. Any child items that have either a flex = 0 or flex = undefined will not be 'flexed' (the initial size will not be changed). More...
virtual bool Reorderable [get, set]
 False to disallow reordering for this Component. More...
virtual int RowSpan [get, set]
 Applied to the table cell containing the item. More...
virtual int ColSpan [get, set]
 Applied to the table cell containing the item. More...
virtual string CellCls [get, set]
 CSS class name added to the table cell containing the item. More...
virtual string CellId [get, set]
 An id applied to the table cell containing the item. More...
virtual string ContextMenuID [get, set]
ItemsCollection< ObservableBin [get]
virtual int SaveDelay [get, set]
 A buffer to be applied if many state events are fired within a short period (defaults to 100). More...
virtual string[] StateEvents [get, set]
 An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state (defaults to none). These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']). More...
virtual string StateID [get, set]
 The unique id for this component to use for state management purposes (defaults to the component id). More...
virtual bool Stateful [get, set]
 A flag which causes the AbstractComponent to attempt to restore the state of internal properties from a saved state on startup. Defaults to false. More...
JFunction GetState [get]
 Return component's data which should be saved by StateProvider More...
virtual bool AlwaysOnTop [get, set]
 A flag indicating that this component should be on the top of the z-index stack for use by the zIndexManager to sort its stack. Defaults to false. More...
virtual int AlwaysOnTopIndex [get, set]
 A flag indicating that this component should be on the top of the z-index stack for use by the zIndexManager to sort its stack. Defaults to false. More...
virtual ? bool AnimateShadow [get, set]
virtual bool FocusOnToFront [get, set]
 Specifies whether the floated component should be automatically focused when it is brought to the front. Defaults to true. More...
virtual bool Shadow [get, set]
 Specifies whether the floating component should be given a shadow. Set to true to automatically create an Ext.Shadow, or a string indicating the shadow's display Ext.Shadow.mode. Set to false to disable the shadow. (Defaults to 'sides'.) More...
virtual ShadowMode ShadowMode [get, set]
 Specifies whether the floating component should be given a shadow. Set to true to automatically create an Ext.Shadow, or a string indicating the shadow's display Ext.Shadow.mode. Set to false to disable the shadow. (Defaults to 'sides'.) More...
virtual int ShadowOffset [get, set]
virtual ? bool Shim [get, set]
ItemsCollection< ToolTipToolTips [get]
 A collection of ToolTip configs used to add ToolTips to the AbstractComponent More...
ItemsCollection< CalloutCallouts [get]
 A collection of ToolTip configs used to add ToolTips to the AbstractComponent More...
virtual bool AutoFocus [get, set]
 True to automatically set the focus after render (defaults to false). More...
virtual int AutoFocusDelay [get, set]
 Focus delay (in milliseconds) when AutoFocus is true. More...
virtual bool Selectable [get, set]
 Determines if this component is selectable. (default is true). More...
virtual Unit PageX [get, set]
 The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. More...
virtual Unit PageY [get, set]
 The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. More...
virtual int X [get, set]
 The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. More...
virtual int Y [get, set]
 The local y (addToStart) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container. More...
virtual int Weight [get, set]
 Weight of docked item More...
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.Observable.Config
ConfigItemCollection CustomConfig [get]
 Collection of custom js config More...
MessageBusListeners MessageBusListeners [get]
MessageBusDirectEvents MessageBusDirectEvents [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
virtual string ItemID [get, set]
 An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component when no object reference is available. More...
virtual bool Disabled [get, set]
virtual short TabIndex [get, set]
virtual bool IsInForm [get, set]
virtual Unit Height [get, set]
virtual Unit Width [get, set]
virtual string ToolTip [get, set]
virtual bool RegisterAllResources [get, set]
virtual bool AutoDataBind [get, set]
virtual IDMode IDMode [get, set]
virtual LazyMode LazyMode [get, set]
virtual string Namespace [get, set]
List< ClientResourceItemResourceItems [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
override string ToString ()
override bool Equals (object obj)
override int GetHashCode ()
new Type GetType ()
object ApplyIf (object obj)
Apply< T > (object obj)
object Apply (object obj)
virtual string ToScript ()

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator DisplayField.Builder()

static implicit Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.operator DisplayField.Builder ( DisplayField.Config  config)

Property Documentation

◆ DirectEvents

FieldDirectEvents Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.DirectEvents

Server-side Ajax Event Handlers

◆ EmptyText

virtual string Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.EmptyText

The default text to display if the Text property is empty (defaults to '').

◆ Format

virtual string Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.Format

The format of the string to render using the .Text property. Example 'Hello {0}'.

◆ HtmlEncode

virtual bool Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.HtmlEncode

True to escape HTML in text when rendering it.

◆ Listeners

FieldListeners Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.Listeners

Client-side JavaScript Event Handlers

◆ Renderer

JFunction Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.Renderer

A function to transform the raw value for display in the field. The function will receive 2 arguments, the raw value and the Ext.form.field.Display object.

◆ Text

virtual string Ext.Net.DisplayField.Config.Text

The plain text to display within the label (defaults to ''). If you need to include HTML tags within the label's innerHTML, use the html config instead.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: