Ext.NET  5.3.0
.NET Component Framework for Enterprise Level Apps
Ext.Net.ModelStateStore Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for Ext.Net.ModelStateStore:
Ext.Net.Store Ext.Net.SyncStoreBase Ext.Net.StoreBase Ext.Net.AbstractStore Ext.Net.Observable Ext.Net.BaseControl Ext.Net.ILazyItems Ext.Net.IXObject Ext.Net.IBase


class  Builder
class  Config

Public Member Functions

 ModelStateStore ()
override void DataBind ()
ModelStateStore.Builder ToBuilder ()
override IControlBuilder ToNativeBuilder ()
 ModelStateStore (Config config)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.Store
 Store ()
Store.Builder ToBuilder ()
override IControlBuilder ToNativeBuilder ()
 Store (Config config)
virtual void InitByObject (object obj, bool createModel=true)
virtual void InitByType (Type type, bool extractGeneric=true, bool createModel=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.SyncStoreBase
delegate void BeforeStoreChangedEventHandler (object sender, BeforeStoreChangedEventArgs e)
delegate void AfterStoreChangedEventHandler (object sender, AfterStoreChangedEventArgs e)
delegate void BeforeRecordUpdatedEventHandler (object sender, BeforeRecordUpdatedEventArgs e)
delegate void AfterRecordUpdatedEventHandler (object sender, AfterRecordUpdatedEventArgs e)
delegate void BeforeRecordDeletedEventHandler (object sender, BeforeRecordDeletedEventArgs e)
delegate void AfterRecordDeletedEventHandler (object sender, AfterRecordDeletedEventArgs e)
delegate void BeforeRecordInsertedEventHandler (object sender, BeforeRecordInsertedEventArgs e)
delegate void AfterRecordInsertedEventHandler (object sender, AfterRecordInsertedEventArgs e)
delegate void BeforeDirectEventHandler (object sender, BeforeDirectEventArgs e)
delegate void AfterDirectEventHandler (object sender, AfterDirectEventArgs e)
delegate void AjaxReadDataEventHandler (object sender, StoreReadDataEventArgs e)
delegate void AjaxSubmitDataEventHandler (object sender, StoreSubmitDataEventArgs e)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.StoreBase
void Add (object data)
 Adds Model instances to the Store by instantiating them based on a JavaScript object. When adding already- instantiated Models, use insert instead. The instances will be added at the end of the existing collection. This method accepts either a single argument array of Model instances or any number of model instance arguments. More...
void Add (System.Collections.IEnumerable data)
 Adds Model instances to the Store by instantiating them based on a JavaScript object. When adding already- instantiated Models, use insert instead. The instances will be added at the end of the existing collection. This method accepts either a single argument array of Model instances or any number of model instance arguments. More...
void Add (ModelProxy model)
 Adds Model instances to the Store by instantiating them based on a JavaScript object. When adding already- instantiated Models, use insert instead. The instances will be added at the end of the existing collection. This method accepts either a single argument array of Model instances or any number of model instance arguments. More...
void AddSorted (ModelProxy model)
 (Local sort only) Inserts the passed Record into the Store at the index where it should go based on the current sort information. More...
virtual void ClearFilter ()
 Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied. More...
virtual void ClearFilter (bool suppressEvent)
 Revert to a view of the Record cache with no filtering applied. More...
virtual void CommitChanges ()
 Commits all Records with outstanding changes. To handle updates for changes, subscribe to the Store's update event, and perform updating when the third parameter is Ext.data.Record.COMMIT. More...
virtual void Each (JFunction fn, string scope)
 Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache. When store is filtered, only loops over the filtered records. More...
virtual void Each (JFunction fn)
 Calls the specified function for each of the Records in the cache. More...
virtual void Filter (string field, string value)
 Filters the loaded set of records by a given set of filters. More...
virtual void Filter (DataFilterCollection filters)
 Filters the loaded set of records by a given set of filters. More...
virtual void FilterBy (JFunction fn)
 Filters by a function. The specified function will be called for each Record in this Store. If the function returns true the Record is included, otherwise it is filtered out. When store is filtered, most of the methods for accessing store data will be working only within the set of filtered records. Two notable exceptions are queryBy and getById. More...
virtual void FilterBy (JFunction fn, string scope)
 Filters by a function. The specified function will be called for each Record in this Store. If the function returns true the Record is included, otherwise it is filtered out. When store is filtered, most of the methods for accessing store data will be working only within the set of filtered records. Two notable exceptions are queryBy and getById. More...
virtual void Insert (int index, object data)
 Inserts Model instances into the Store at the given index and fires the add event. See also add. More...
virtual void Insert (int index, System.Collections.IEnumerable data)
 Inserts Model instances into the Store at the given index and fires the add event. See also add. More...
virtual void LoadData (object data, bool append)
 Loads an array of data straight into the Store. Using this method is great if the data is in the correct format already (e.g. it doesn't need to be processed by a reader). If your data requires processing to decode the data structure, use a MemoryProxy instead. More...
virtual void LoadData (object data)
 Loads an array of data straight into the Store. Using this method is great if the data is in the correct format already (e.g. it doesn't need to be processed by a reader). If your data requires processing to decode the data structure, use a MemoryProxy instead. More...
virtual void LoadData (ModelProxy data)
 Loads an array of data straight into the Store. Using this method is great if the data is in the correct format already (e.g. it doesn't need to be processed by a reader). If your data requires processing to decode the data structure, use a MemoryProxy instead. More...
virtual void LoadData (ModelProxy data, bool append)
 Loads an array of data straight into the Store. Using this method is great if the data is in the correct format already (e.g. it doesn't need to be processed by a reader). If your data requires processing to decode the data structure, use a MemoryProxy instead. More...
virtual void LoadPage (int page, object options)
 Loads a given 'page' of data by setting the start and limit values appropriately. Internally this just causes a normal load operation, passing in calculated 'start' and 'limit' params More...
virtual void LoadPage (int page)
 Loads a given 'page' of data by setting the start and limit values appropriately. Internally this just causes a normal load operation, passing in calculated 'start' and 'limit' params More...
virtual void LoadRawData (object data, bool append)
 Loads data via the bound Proxy's reader. Use this method if you are attempting to load data and want to utilize the configured data reader. More...
virtual void LoadRawData (object data)
 Loads data via the bound Proxy's reader. Use this method if you are attempting to load data and want to utilize the configured data reader. More...
virtual void NextPage (object options)
 Loads the next 'page' in the current data set More...
virtual void NextPage ()
 Loads the next 'page' in the current data set More...
virtual void Prefetch (object options)
 Prefetches data the Store using its configured proxy. More...
virtual void Prefetch ()
 Prefetches data the Store using its configured proxy. More...
virtual void PrefetchPage (int page, object options)
 Prefetches a page of data. More...
virtual void PrefetchRange (int start, int end)
 Ensures that the specified range of rows is present in the cache. Converts the row range to a page range and then only load pages which are not already present in the page cache. More...
virtual void PrefetchPage (int page)
 Prefetches a page of data. More...
virtual void PreviousPage ()
 Loads the previous 'page' in the current data set More...
virtual void PreviousPage (object options)
 Loads the previous 'page' in the current data set More...
virtual void RejectChanges ()
 Rejects outstanding changes on all modified records and re-insert any records that were removed locally. Any phantom records will be removed. More...
virtual void Remove (object id)
 Removes the given record from the Store, firing the 'remove' event for each instance that is removed, plus a single 'datachanged' event after removal. More...
virtual void Remove (ModelProxy record)
 Removes the given record from the Store, firing the 'remove' event for each instance that is removed, plus a single 'datachanged' event after removal. More...
virtual void RemoveAll ()
 Remove all items from the store. More...
virtual void RemoveAll (bool silent)
 Remove all items from the store. More...
virtual void RemoveAt (int index)
 Removes the model instance at the given index More...
virtual void SetData (object data)
 Sets the value of data. More...
virtual void SetData (ModelProxy[] records)
 Sets the value of data. More...
virtual void Sort (string name)
 Sorts the data in the Store by one of its properties. The Store maintains a ASC/DESC toggler per field. More...
virtual void Sort (string name, SortDirection dir)
 Sorts the data in the Store by one of its properties. More...
virtual void Sort (DataSorter sorter)
 Sorts the data in the Store according the DataSorter instance. More...
virtual void Sort (IEnumerable< DataSorter > sorters)
 Sorts the data in the Store according the array of DataSorter instances. More...
virtual ModelProxy GetByInternalId (object id)
 Get the model proxy with the specified internal id. More...
virtual ModelProxy GetAll ()
 Get the model proxy for all models in the store. More...
virtual ModelProxy GetRange (int start)
 Returns a range of Records between specified indices. More...
virtual ModelProxy GetRange (int start, int end)
 Returns a range of Records between specified indices. More...
virtual void GetRange (int start, int end, object options)
 Returns a range of Records between specified indices. More...
virtual void GetRange (int start, int end, JFunction callback)
 Returns a range of Records between specified indices. More...
virtual ModelProxy First ()
 Convenience function for getting the first model instance in the store More...
virtual ModelProxy Last ()
 Convenience function for getting the last model instance in the store More...
virtual void AddField (ModelField field, bool rebuildMeta)
virtual void AddField (ModelField field)
virtual void AddField (ModelField field, int index)
virtual void AddField (ModelField field, int index, bool rebuildMeta)
virtual void RemoveField (ModelField field)
virtual void RemoveFields ()
virtual void RebuildMeta ()
virtual void CommitRemoving (object id)
virtual void RejectRemoving (object id)
override void DataBind ()
override string ToScript ()
override string ToScript (bool selfRendering)
override void Render ()
override void Render (bool selfRendering)
void SetDataFromJson (string json)
virtual bool IsBindableType (Type type)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.AbstractStore
virtual void SetReloadOnClearSorters (bool? reloadOnClearSorters)
 Sets the value of reloadOnClearSorters. More...
virtual void AddFilter (DataFilterCollection filters)
 Adds a new Filter to this Store's filter set and by default, applies the updated filter set to the Store's unfiltered dataset. More...
virtual void AddFilter (FilterQuery filter)
 Adds a new Filter to this Store's filter set and by default, applies the updated filter set to the Store's unfiltered dataset. More...
virtual void BeginUpdate ()
 This method may be called to indicate the start of multiple changes to the store. Automatic synchronization as configured by the autoSync flag is deferred until the endUpdate method is called, so multiple mutations can be coalesced into one synchronization operation. Internally this method increments a counter that is decremented by endUpdate. It is important, therefore, that if you call beginUpdate directly you match that call with a call to endUpdate or you will prevent the collection from updating properly. Fires BeginUpdate. More...
virtual void ClearGrouping ()
 Clear the store grouping. Fires DataChanged, GroupChange, Refresh. More...
virtual void EndUpdate ()
 This method is called after modifications are complete on a store. For details see beginUpdate. Fires BeforeSync, EndUpdate. More...
virtual ModelProxy Find (string fieldName, string value)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy Find (string fieldName, string value, int startIndex)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy Find (string fieldName, string value, int startIndex, bool anyMatch)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy Find (string fieldName, string value, int startIndex, bool anyMatch, bool caseSensitive)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy Find (string fieldName, string value, int startIndex, bool anyMatch, bool caseSensitive, bool exactMatch)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindRegex (string fieldName, string regex)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindRegex (string fieldName, string regex, int startIndex)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindRegex (string fieldName, string regex, int startIndex, bool anyMatch)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindRegex (string fieldName, string regex, int startIndex, bool anyMatch, bool caseSensitive)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindRegex (string fieldName, string regex, int startIndex, bool anyMatch, bool caseSensitive, bool exactMatch)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindBy (JFunction fn, string scope, int startIndex)
 Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function. If the function returns true it is considered a match. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindBy (JFunction fn, string scope)
 Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function. If the function returns true it is considered a match. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindBy (JFunction fn)
 Find the index of the first matching Record in this Store by a function. If the function returns true it is considered a match. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindExact (string fieldName, object value, int startIndex)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy FindExact (string fieldName, object value)
 Finds the index of the first matching Record in this store by a specific field value. More...
virtual ModelProxy GetAt (int index)
 Get the model proxy at the specified index. More...
virtual ModelProxy GetById (object id)
 Get the model proxy with the specified id. More...
virtual void Group (string field, SortDirection direction)
 Groups data inside the store. Fires DataChanged, GroupChange, Refresh. More...
virtual void Group (string field)
 Groups data inside the store. More...
virtual void Group (DataSorterCollection groupers)
 Groups data inside the store. More...
virtual void Group (DataSorterCollection groupers, SortDirection direction)
 Groups data inside the store. More...
virtual void LoadProxy (object options)
 Loads data into the Store via the configured proxy. This uses the Proxy to make an asynchronous call to whatever storage backend the Proxy uses, automatically adding the retrieved instances into the Store and calling an optional callback if required. More...
virtual void LoadProxy ()
 Loads data into the Store via the configured proxy. This uses the Proxy to make an asynchronous call to whatever storage backend the Proxy uses, automatically adding the retrieved instances into the Store and calling an optional callback if required. More...
virtual void Reload ()
 Reloads the Store. More...
virtual void Reload (object options)
 Reloads the Store. More...
virtual void Reload (object options, AbstractProxy proxy)
 Reloads the Store. More...
virtual void Reload (ParameterCollection parameters)
 Reloads the Store. More...
virtual void SetAutoDestroy (bool autoDestroy)
 Sets autoDestroy. More...
virtual void SetAsynchronousLoad (bool asynchronousLoad)
 Sets the value of AsynchronousLoad More...
virtual void SetClearOnPageLoad (bool clearOnPageLoad)
 Sets the value of clearOnPageLoad. More...
virtual void SetClearRemovedOnLoad (bool clearRemovedOnLoad)
 Sets the value of clearRemovedOnLoad. More...
virtual void SetFilters (DataFilterCollection filters)
 Sets filters. More...
virtual void SetGroupDir (SortDirection groupDir)
 Sets groupDir. More...
virtual void SetGrouper (DataGrouper grouper)
 Sets the value of grouper. More...
virtual void SetGroupField (string groupField)
 Sets groupField. More...
virtual void SetPageSize (int pageSize)
 Sets pageSize. More...
virtual void SetRemoteFilter (bool remoteFilter)
 Sets remoteFilter. More...
virtual void SetRemoteSort (bool remoteSort)
 Sets remoteSort. More...
virtual void SetProxy (string proxyType)
 Sets the Store's Proxy by string More...
virtual void SetProxy (AbstractProxy proxy)
 Sets the Store's Proxy by instance More...
void SetProxyUrl (string url)
 Sets the new URL for the Store's Proxy More...
void SetSorters (DataSorterCollection sorters)
 Sets sorters. More...
void SetStatefulFilters (bool statefulFilters)
 Sets statefulFilters More...
void SetStoreId (string storeId)
 Sets storeId. More...
virtual void Sync ()
 Synchronizes the Store with its Proxy. This asks the Proxy to batch together any new, updated and deleted records in the store, updating the Store's internal representation of the records as each operation completes. More...
virtual void ResumeAutoSync ()
 Resumes automatically syncing the Store with its Proxy. Only applicable if autoSync is true More...
virtual void RemoveFilter (string filterId)
 Removes an individual Filter from the current filter set using the passed Filter id and by default, applies the updated filter set to the Store's unfiltered dataset. More...
virtual void SuspendAutoSync ()
 Suspends automatically syncing the Store with its Proxy. Only applicable if autoSync is true More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.Observable
virtual void AddListener (string eventName, JFunction fn)
 Appends an event handler to this component More...
virtual void AddListener (string eventName, JFunction fn, string scope)
 Appends an event handler to this component More...
virtual void AddListener (string eventName, JFunction fn, string scope, HandlerConfig options)
 Appends an event handler to this component More...
virtual void AddListener (string eventName, string fn)
 Appends an event handler to this component More...
virtual void AddListener (string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Appends an event handler to this component More...
virtual void AddListener (string eventName, string fn, string scope, HandlerConfig options)
 Appends an event handler to this component More...
virtual void AddManagedListener (string item, string eventName, string fn, string scope, HandlerConfig options)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void AddManagedListener (string item, string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void AddManagedListener (string item, string eventName, string fn)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void ClearListeners ()
 Removes all listeners for this object including the managed listeners More...
virtual void ClearManagedListeners ()
 Removes all managed listeners for this object. More...
virtual void EnableBubble (params string[] events)
 Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling this.getBubbleTarget() if present. There is no implementation in the Observable base class. This is commonly used by Ext.Components to bubble events to owner Containers. See Ext.AbstractComponent-getBubbleTarget. The default implementation in Ext.AbstractComponent returns the AbstractComponent's immediate owner. But if a known target is required, this can be overridden to access the required target more quickly. More...
virtual void FireEvent (string eventName, params object[] args)
 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name) More...
virtual void FireEventedAction (string eventName, object[] args, string fn)
 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow. By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events. More...
virtual void FireEventedAction (string eventName, object[] args, string fn, string scope)
 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow. By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events. More...
virtual void FireEventedAction (string eventName, object[] args, string fn, string scope, object[] fnArgs)
 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow. By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events. More...
virtual void FireEventedAction (string eventName, object[] args, JFunction fn)
 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow. By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events. More...
virtual void FireEventedAction (string eventName, object[] args, JFunction fn, string scope)
 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow. By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events. More...
virtual void FireEventedAction (string eventName, object[] args, JFunction fn, string scope, object[] fnArgs)
 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters and executes a function (action). Evented Actions will automatically dispatch a 'before' event passing. This event will be given a special controller that allows for pausing/resuming of the event flow. By pausing the controller the updater and events will not run until resumed. Pausing, however, will not stop the processing of any other before events. More...
virtual void On (string eventName, string fn)
 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) More...
virtual void On (string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) More...
virtual void On (string eventName, string fn, string scope, HandlerConfig options)
 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) More...
virtual void On (string eventName, JFunction fn)
 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) More...
virtual void On (string eventName, JFunction fn, string scope)
 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) More...
virtual void On (string eventName, JFunction fn, string scope, HandlerConfig options)
 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener) More...
virtual void RelayEvents (string origin, string[] events)
 Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this. More...
virtual void RemoveListener (string eventName, string fn)
 Removes an event handler. More...
virtual void RemoveListener (string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Removes an event handler. More...
virtual void RemoveManagedListener (string item, string eventName, string fn)
 Removes listeners that were added by the mon method. More...
virtual void RemoveManagedListener (string item, string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Removes listeners that were added by the mon method. More...
virtual void ResumeEvents ()
 Resume firing events. (see suspendEvents) If events were suspended using the queueSuspended parameter, then all events fired during event suspension will be sent to any listeners now. More...
virtual void SuspendEvents (bool queueSuspended)
 Suspend the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents) More...
virtual void SuspendEvents ()
 Suspend the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents) More...
virtual void SuspendEvent (string name)
 Suspends firing of the named event(s). More...
virtual void ResumeEvent (string name)
 Resumes firing of the named event(s). More...
virtual void RemoveDirectListener (string name)
virtual void Un (string eventName, string fn)
 Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) More...
virtual void Un (string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener) More...
virtual void Mon (Element el, string eventName, JFunction fn)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void Mon (Observable el, string eventName, JFunction fn)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void Mon (Element el, string eventName, JFunction fn, string scope)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void Mon (Observable el, string eventName, JFunction fn, string scope)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void Mon (Element el, string eventName, string fn, string scope, HandlerConfig options)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void Mon (Observable el, string eventName, string fn, string scope, HandlerConfig options)
 Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this AbstractComponent is destroyed. More...
virtual void Mun (Element el, string eventName, string fn)
 Removes listeners that were added by the mon method. More...
virtual void Mun (Observable el, string eventName, string fn)
 Removes listeners that were added by the mon method. More...
virtual void Mun (Element el, string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Removes listeners that were added by the mon method. More...
virtual void Mun (Observable el, string eventName, string fn, string scope)
 Removes listeners that were added by the mon method. More...
delegate void OnBeforeClientInitializedHandler (Observable sender)
delegate void OnAfterClientInitializedHandler (Observable sender)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl
virtual bool HasExplicitValue (string name)
virtual T ToBuilder< T > ()
Apply< T > (IApply config)
object Apply (IApply config)
BaseControl Apply (object from, bool ignoreDefaultValues)
BaseControl Apply (object from)
virtual bool HasLayout ()
virtual bool HasContent ()
virtual string ResolveUrlLink (string url)
bool IsInHierarchy (params Type[] types)
GetParentByLevel< T > (int level)
virtual string DefineInstance ()
virtual string DefineInstance (string config)
virtual string DefineInstance (string instanceOf, string config)
virtual string ToConfig ()
virtual string ToConfig (LazyMode mode)
virtual string ToConfig (LazyMode mode, bool registerResourcesInManager)
string ToScript (RenderMode mode, string element)
string ToScript (RenderMode mode, string element, bool selfRendering)
string ToScript (RenderMode mode, string element, int index)
string ToScript (RenderMode mode, string element, int index, bool selfRendering)
string ToScript (RenderMode mode, string element, int? index, bool? selfRendering, bool forceResources, string method, bool forceLazy, bool clearContainer)
virtual void AddScript (string script)
 Adds the script to be be called on the client. More...
virtual void AddScript (string template, params object[] args)
 Adds the script to be be called on the client. The script is formatted using the template and args. More...
virtual void Set (string name, object value)
virtual void Set (ScriptPosition position, string name, object value)
virtual void Call (string name)
virtual void Call (string name, params object[] args)
virtual void Call (string name, string[] arg)
 Calls the JavaScript function on the Control with a string[] parameter More...
virtual void Call (ScriptPosition mode, string name, params object[] args)
virtual string SelfRender ()
virtual void AddBeforeClientInitScript (string script)
 Adds the script directly before the ClientInitScript. More...
virtual void AddAfterClientInitScript (string script)
 Adds the script directly after the ClientInitScript. More...
override void RenderBeginTag (HtmlTextWriter writer)
virtual void Render (Control control)
virtual void Render (string element, RenderMode mode)
virtual void Render (string element, int index, RenderMode mode)
virtual void Render (Control control, RenderMode mode)
virtual void Render (Control control, int index, RenderMode mode)
virtual void Render (string element, RenderMode mode, bool selfRendering)
virtual void Render (string element, int index, RenderMode mode, bool selfRendering)
virtual void Render (RenderMode mode, string element, int? index, bool? selfRendering, bool forceResources, string method, bool forceLazy, bool clearContainer)
virtual void Render (Control control, RenderMode mode, bool selfRendering)
virtual void Render (Control control, int index, RenderMode mode, bool selfRendering)
virtual void AddTo (string element)
virtual void AddTo (Control control)
virtual void AddTo (string element, bool selfRendering)
virtual void AddTo (Control control, bool selfRendering)
virtual void InsertTo (int index, string element)
virtual void InsertTo (int index, Control control)
virtual void InsertTo (int index, string element, bool selfRendering)
virtual void InsertTo (int index, Control control, bool selfRendering)
virtual void Update ()
virtual bool SuspendScripting ()
virtual void ResumeScripting (bool oldValue)
virtual void ResumeScripting ()
virtual void Destroy ()
List< T > GetCustomResources< T > ()
virtual void SetResources ()
List< ClientStyleItemGetStyles ()
List< ClientStyleItemGetThemes ()
List< ClientScriptItemGetScripts ()
string GetGeneratedScripts ()
 Get generated and added javascript methods calling More...
virtual bool HasOwnState (string name)
virtual void SetControlFor (ModelMetadata meta)

Static Public Member Functions

static implicit operator ModelStateStore (ModelStateStore.Config config)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.Store
static StoreAction Action (string action)
static implicit operator Store (Store.Config config)
static ModelField CreateModelFieldFromMeta (ModelMetadata propertyMetadata, Ext.Net.Model storeModel=null, ModelFieldAttribute modelAttr=null, ControllerContext controllerContext=null)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.StoreBase
static IEnumerable ResolveDataSource (object o, string data_member)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl
static string GenerateID ()
static object Apply (object to, object from)
static object Apply (object to, object from, bool ignoreDefaultValues)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.Store
override void OnMetadataProcess (ModelMetadata meta, string name, ViewDataDictionary viewData, ControllerContext context)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.SyncStoreBase
override void OnBeforeClientInit (Observable sender)
virtual void OnAfterStoreChanged (AfterStoreChangedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnBeforeStoreChanged (BeforeStoreChangedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnBeforeRecordUpdated (BeforeRecordUpdatedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnAfterRecordUpdated (AfterRecordUpdatedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnBeforeRecordDeleted (BeforeRecordDeletedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnAfterRecordDeleted (AfterRecordDeletedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnBeforeRecordInserted (BeforeRecordInsertedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnAfterRecordInserted (AfterRecordInsertedEventArgs e)
virtual void OnAjaxPostBack (BeforeDirectEventArgs e)
virtual void OnReadData (StoreReadDataEventArgs e)
virtual void OnSubmitData (StoreSubmitDataEventArgs e)
virtual void OnAjaxPostBackResult (AfterDirectEventArgs e)
override void OnLoad (EventArgs e)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.StoreBase
override void OnLoad (EventArgs e)
virtual void SetJsonForBinding (string json)
void ConfirmInitState ()
virtual void AjaxDataBind ()
virtual string GetAjaxDataJson ()
virtual void GenerateAjaxResponseScript ()
virtual void EnsureDataBound ()
virtual void OnDataBound (EventArgs e)
virtual void OnDataPropertyChanged ()
override void OnInit (EventArgs e)
virtual void OnPagePreLoad (object sender, EventArgs e)
override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e)
virtual IDataSource GetDataSource ()
virtual DataSourceView GetData ()
virtual void OnDataSourceViewChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
virtual void CheckModelFields ()
void PerformSelect ()
virtual DataSourceSelectArguments CreateDataSourceSelectArguments ()
void MarkAsDataBound ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.AbstractStore
virtual void Proxy_AfterItemAdd (BaseItem item)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.Observable
override void OnInit (EventArgs e)
virtual void RegisterCustomAttribute (string key, string value)
virtual void OnAfterClientInit (Observable sender)
virtual void OnBeforeClientInitHandler ()
virtual void OnAfterClientInitHandler ()
override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e)
override void PreRenderAction ()
virtual void AfterItemAdd (Observable item)
virtual void AfterItemRemove (Observable item)
override void SetModelAdditionalValue (KeyValuePair< string, object > value)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl
virtual string GetNamespace (bool parseDot)
virtual string AddNamespaceToID (string id)
virtual ContentContainer CreateContainer ()
virtual void CheckForceId ()
virtual string ParseTarget (string target)
Unit UnitPixelTypeCheck (object obj, Unit defaultValue, string propertyName)
virtual void CallTemplate (string template)
virtual void CallTemplate (string template, string name, params object[] args)
virtual void CallTemplate (ScriptPosition position, string template, string name, params object[] args)
override void OnInit (EventArgs e)
virtual void PagePreLoad (object sender, EventArgs e)
virtual void PageLoad (object sender, EventArgs e)
virtual void PageLoadComplete (object sender, EventArgs e)
override void AddAttributesToRender (HtmlTextWriter writer)
virtual void SimpleRender (HtmlTextWriter writer)
virtual void RecreateChildControls ()
override void CreateChildControls ()
override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e)
virtual void RenderScript (string script)
override void OnDataBinding (EventArgs e)
override void Render (HtmlTextWriter writer)
virtual bool IsGlobalResourceRegistered (ResourceItem item)
virtual string FormatValue (object value, string format)
virtual void SetModelValidationRule (ModelClientValidationRule rule)
virtual void SetModelValue (object value, ModelMetadata meta)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.StoreBase
static void ValidateDataSource (object dataSource)
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.Store
StoreListeners Listeners [get]
 Client-side JavaScript Event Handlers More...
StoreDirectEvents DirectEvents [get]
 Server-side Ajax Event Handlers More...
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
virtual bool InitForModelOnly [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.SyncStoreBase
override string StoreType [get]
override string InstanceOf [get]
virtual string???????? MemoryProxy [get]
virtual bool MemoryDataPresent [get]
BeforeStoreChangedEventHandler BeforeStoreChanged
AfterStoreChangedEventHandler AfterStoreChanged
BeforeRecordUpdatedEventHandler BeforeRecordUpdated
AfterRecordUpdatedEventHandler AfterRecordUpdated
BeforeRecordDeletedEventHandler BeforeRecordDeleted
AfterRecordDeletedEventHandler AfterRecordDeleted
BeforeRecordInsertedEventHandler BeforeRecordInserted
AfterRecordInsertedEventHandler AfterRecordInserted
AfterDirectEventHandler AfterDirectEvent
BeforeDirectEventHandler BeforeDirectEvent
AjaxReadDataEventHandler ReadData
AjaxSubmitDataEventHandler SubmitData
virtual bool AutomaticResponseValues [get, set]
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.StoreBase
virtual string Source [get, set]
 The backing data source for this chained store. Either a store instance or the id of an existing store. More...
virtual bool AutoDecode [get, set]
 If true then submitted data will be decoded More...
virtual bool Buffered [get, set]
 Allows the Store to prefetch and cache in a page cache, pages of Records, and to then satisfy loading requirements from this page cache. More...
virtual object Data [get, set]
 Optional array of Model instances or data objects to load locally. See "Inline data" above for details. More...
virtual string DataProxy [get]
virtual int LeadingBufferZone [get, set]
 When buffered, the number of extra rows to keep cached on the leading side of scrolling buffer as scrolling proceeds. A larger number means fewer replenishments from the server. Defaults to: 200 More...
virtual int PurgePageCount [get, set]
 Valid only when used with a buffered Store. More...
virtual bool RemoteGroup [get, set]
 True if the grouping should apply on the server side, false if it is local only (defaults to false). If the grouping is local, it can be applied immediately to the data. If it is remote, then it will simply act as a helper, automatically sending the grouping information to the server. More...
virtual bool RemotePaging [get, set]
 True to perform remote paging More...
virtual bool IsPagingStore [get, set]
 True to use PagingStore instance More...
virtual bool SortOnFilter [get, set]
 For local filtering only, causes sort to be called whenever filter is called, causing the sorters to be reapplied after filtering. Defaults to true More...
virtual int TrailingBufferZone [get, set]
 When buffered, the number of extra records to keep cached on the trailing side of scrolling buffer as scrolling proceeds. A larger number means fewer replenishments from the server. Defaults to: 25 More...
virtual bool WarningOnDirty [get, set]
 If true show a warning before load/reload if store has dirty data More...
virtual string DirtyWarningTitle [get, set]
 The title of window showing before load if the dirty data exists More...
virtual string? DirtyWarningText [get, set]
 The text of window showing before load if the dirty data exists More...
virtual bool IgnoreExtraFields [get, set]
 If true then only properties included to reader will be converted to json More...
virtual ReaderCollection?? Reader [get]
 The Ext.data.reader.Reader to use to decode the server's response. This can either be a Reader instance, a config object or just a valid Reader type name (e.g. 'json', 'xml'). More...
virtual WriterCollection?? Writer [get]
 The Ext.data.writer.Writer to use to encode any request sent to the server. This can either be a Writer instance, a config object or just a valid Writer type name (e.g. 'json', 'xml'). More...
object DSData [get, set]
string JsonData [get, set]
virtual bool IsProxyDefined [get]
virtual object DataSource [get, set]
virtual string DataSourceID [get, set]
virtual string DataMember [get, set]
bool Initialized [get]
bool IsBoundUsingDataSourceID [get]
virtual bool RequiresDataBinding [get, set]
DataSourceSelectArguments SelectArguments [get]
bool IsDataBound [get, set]
override ConfigOptionsCollectionConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.AbstractStore
override string InstanceOf [get]
override string ConfigIDProxy [get]
override string AliasPrefix [get]
virtual string StoreType [get]
string? StoreTypeProxy [get]
override bool RemoveContainer [get]
virtual bool AutoDestroy [get, set]
 true to destroy the store when the component the store is bound to is destroyed (defaults to true). Note: this should be set to true when using stores that are bound to only 1 component and this should be set to false for a store which is associated to a few components. More...
virtual ? bool? AsynchronousLoad [get, set]
 This defaults to true when this store's proxy is asynchronous, such as an Ajax proxy. When the proxy is synchronous, such as a Ext.data.proxy.Memory memory proxy, this defaults to false. NOTE: This does not cause synchronous Ajax requests if configured false when an Ajax proxy is used. It causes immediate issuing of an Ajax request when load is called rather than issuing the request at the end of the current event handler run. What this means is that when using an Ajax proxy, calls to load do not fire the request to the remote resource immediately, but schedule a request to be made. This is so that multiple requests are not fired when mutating a store's remote filters and sorters (as happens during state restoration). The request is made only once after all relevant store state is fully set. More...
virtual bool AutoLoad [get, set]
 If data is not specified, and if autoLoad is true or an Object, this store's load method is automatically called after creation. If the value of autoLoad is an Object, this Object will be passed to the store's load method. Defaults to false. More...
virtual bool IsAutoLoadUndefined [get]
virtual bool AutoLoadProxy [get]
virtual ParameterCollection?? AutoLoadParams [get]
 If data is not specified, and if autoLoad is true or an Object, this store's load method is automatically called after creation. If the value of autoLoad is an Object, this Object will be passed to the store's load method. More...
ParameterCollection AutoLoadParamsProxy [get]
virtual int PageSize [get, set]
 The number of records considered to form a 'page'. This is used to power the built-in paging using the nextPage and previousPage functions when the grid is paged using a PagingToolbar. To disable paging, set the pageSize to 0. Defaults to: 25 More...
virtual StoreParameterCollection?? Parameters [get]
 An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters on any HTTP request. More...
virtual string? ParametersProxy [get]
virtual StoreParameterCollection?? SyncParameters [get]
 An object containing properties which are to be sent as parameters on sync request. More...
virtual string? SyncParametersProxy [get]
virtual bool AutoSync [get, set]
 True to automatically sync the Store with its Proxy after every edit to one of its Records. Defaults to false. More...
virtual ProxyCollection Proxy [get]
 The Proxy to use for this Store. More...
virtual ? bool? ReloadOnClearSorters [get, set]
 Set this to true to trigger a reload when the last sorter is removed (only applicable when remoteSort is true). More...
virtual bool RemoteFilter [get, set]
 True to defer any filtering operation to the server. If false, filtering is done locally on the client. Defaults to false. More...
virtual bool RemoteSort [get, set]
 True to defer any sorting operation to the server. If false, sorting is done locally on the client. Defaults to false. More...
virtual string SyncUrl [get, set]
virtual ProxyCollection?? ServerProxy [get]
 The Proxy to use for reload or sync actions when Memory proxy is used for initial data More...
virtual BatchUpdateMode BatchUpdateMode [get, set]
 Sets the updating behavior based on batch synchronization. 'operation' (the default) will update the Store's internal representation of the data after each operation of the batch has completed, 'complete' will wait until the entire batch has been completed before updating the Store's data. 'complete' is a good choice for local storage proxies, 'operation' is better for remote proxies, where there is a comparatively high latency. More...
virtual bool ClearOnPageLoad [get, set]
 True to empty the store when loading another page via loadPage, nextPage or previousPage (defaults to true). Setting to false keeps existing records, allowing large data sets to be loaded one page at a time but rendered all together. Defaults to: true More...
virtual bool ClearRemovedOnLoad [get, set]
 True to clear anything in the removed record collection when the store loads. More...
virtual bool FilterOnLoad [get, set]
 If true, any filters attached to this Store will be run after loading data, before the datachanged event is fired. Defaults to true, ignored if remoteFilter is true More...
virtual DataFilterCollection?? Filters [get]
 The collection of Filters currently applied to this Store More...
virtual SortDirection GroupDir [get, set]
 The direction in which sorting should be applied when grouping. Defaults to "ASC" - the other supported value is "DESC" More...
virtual string GroupField [get, set]
 The (optional) field by which to group data in the store. Internally, grouping is very similar to sorting - the groupField and groupDir are injected as the first sorter (see sort). Stores support a single level of grouping, and groups can be fetched via the getGroups method. More...
virtual DataGrouper?? Grouper [get]
 The grouper by which to group the data store. May also be specified by the groupField config, however they should not be used together. More...
virtual bool SortOnLoad [get, set]
 If true, any sorters attached to this Store will be run after loading data, before the datachanged event is fired. Defaults to true, igored if remoteSort is true More...
virtual string SortRoot [get, set]
 The field name by which to sort the store's data (defaults to ''). More...
virtual DataSorterCollection?? Sorters [get]
 The collection of Sorters currently applied to this Store More...
bool ShowWarningOnFailure [get, set]
 Show warning if request fail. More...
bool StatefulFilters [get, set]
 Configure as true to have the filters saved when a client grid saves its state. Defaults to: false More...
virtual string ModelName [get, set]
 The Ext.data.Model associated with this store More...
virtual ModelCollection Model [get]
virtual ModelFieldCollection Fields [get]
 The fields for this model. This is an Array of Field definition objects. A Field definition may simply be the name of the Field, but a Field encapsulates data type, custom conversion of raw data, and a mapping property to specify by name of index, how to extract a field's value from a raw data object, so it is best practice to specify a full set of Field config objects. More...
virtual Model ModelInstance [get]
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.Observable
virtual List< Observable >?? LazyItems [get]
virtual bool SingleItemMode [get]
virtual ConfigItemCollection?? CustomConfig [get]
 Collection of custom js config More...
DynamicConfigDictionary ConfigsProxy [get]
virtual string DirectEventsKey [get]
MessageBusListeners MessageBusListeners [get]
MessageBusDirectEvents MessageBusDirectEvents [get]
virtual string MessageBusListenersProxy [get]
virtual string MessageBusDirectEventsProxy [get]
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl
string ProductName [get]
 The product name More...
virtual string Version [get]
 The Version number of this build More...
string DynamicID [get]
override string ID [get, set]
 The unique id of this component instance (defaults to an auto-assigned id). Components created with an id may be accessed globally using Ext.getCmp. You can use the itemId config, and ComponentQuery which provides selector-based searching for Sencha Components analogous to DOM querying. The Container class contains shortcut methods to query its descendant Components by selector. Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component. This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements using this component's id as the parent. Note: to avoid complications imposed by a unique id also see itemId. Note: to access the container of a AbstractComponent see ownerCt. More...
override string ClientID [get]
virtual string ItemID [get, set]
 An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component when no object reference is available. Instead of using an id with Ext.getCmp, use itemId with Ext.container.Container.getComponent which will retrieve itemId's or id's. Since itemId's are an index to the container's internal MixedCollection, the itemId is scoped locally to the container – avoiding potential conflicts with Ext.ComponentMgr which requires a unique id More...
virtual string???? ConfigID [get]
virtual string BaseClientID [get]
 The base .ClientID property derived from .NET Framework More...
virtual string ConfigIDProxy [get]
bool HasOwnIDMode [get]
virtual IDMode IDMode [get, set]
 Options for controlling how the .ClientID property is rendered in the client. More...
virtual bool StopIDModeInheritance [get, set]
virtual bool StopLazyModeInheritance [get, set]
virtual LazyModeLazyMode [get, set]
 Options for controlling how the lazy control is instantiated in the client. More...
bool HasOwnNamespace [get]
virtual string ClientNamespace [get]
virtual string Namespace [get, set]
virtual string? ClientNamespaceProxy [get]
virtual string??? InitialConfig [get]
 This AbstractComponent's initial configuration specification. Read-only. More...
virtual bool AutoDataBind [get, set]
virtual FactoryConfig Factory [get, set]
virtual string FactoryAlias [get, set]
virtual string FactoryInstance [get, set]
virtual bool TemplateWidget [get, set]
virtual string TemplateWidgetFnName [get, set]
virtual ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
virtual ConfigOptionsExtraction ConfigOptionsExtraction [get]
virtual DefaultValueMode DefaultValueMode [get, set]
virtual bool RemoveContainer [get]
virtual bool IsMVC [get]
static ClientScriptItem UXScriptItem [get]
static ClientStyleItem UXStyleItem [get]
virtual bool IsDebugging [get]
virtual bool IsAjaxRequestInitiator [get]
virtual bool IsDefault [get]
 Does this object currently represent it's default state. More...
virtual bool IsLazy [get]
virtual string? ContainerID [get]
virtual string ContainerStyle [get]
virtual bool IsInHead [get]
virtual bool IsInForm [get]
virtual string ClientForm [get]
virtual System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm ParentForm [get]
virtual AbstractComponent ParentComponent [get]
virtual BaseControl ParentWebControl [get]
virtual string InstanceOf [get]
virtual string AliasPrefix [get]
virtual string? ClassName [get]
virtual string CallID [get]
virtual bool IsGeneratedID [get]
bool IsDynamic [get, set]
 Set to true if a control is meant to be dynamically rendered. In absolutely most cases, this is set to true automatically if needed and originally the property was internal. Though, in some very specific and edge cases a developer might need to set it to true by his own. Setting it to true you should be absolutelly sure it is required. For example, if it is recommended by Ext.NET support team. Also it can be changed only to true, but not backwards. Defaults to false. More...
virtual bool ContentUpdated [get, set]
string BeforeScript [get]
string AfterScript [get]
virtual AbstractComponent ParentComponentNotLazyOrDynamic [get]
virtual bool RenderTags [get]
bool RegisterAllResources [get, set]
override string ToolTip [get, set]
override string AccessKey [get, set]
override Color BackColor [get, set]
override Color BorderColor [get, set]
override System.Web.UI.WebControls.BorderStyle BorderStyle [get, set]
override System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit BorderWidth [get, set]
override string CssClass [get, set]
override System.Web.UI.WebControls.FontInfo Font [get]
override Color ForeColor [get, set]
override Unit Height [get, set]
override Unit Width [get, set]
virtual string PostBackArgument [get, set]
virtual string PostBackConfig [get]
virtual bool HasResourceManager [get]
virtual ResourceManager ResourceManager [get]
virtual List< ResourceItemResources [get]
virtual List< ClientResourceItemResourceItems [get]
virtual List< ResourceItemGlobalResources [get]
virtual string? ClientInitScript [get]
virtual bool IsInUpdatePanelRefresh [get]
virtual Control MyUpdatePanel [get]
System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper?? HtmlHelper [get, set]
System.Web.Mvc.ViewContext ViewContext [get, set]
System.Web.Mvc.ControllerBase Controller [get, set]
virtual ViewDataDictionary ViewData [get]
virtual ControllerContext ControllerContext [get]
virtual string ControlFor [get, set]
virtual bool IDFromControlFor [get, set]
string FormatControlForValue [get, set]
Func< object, object > ConvertControlForValue [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.IXObject
ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
ConfigOptionsExtraction ConfigOptionsExtraction [get]
DefaultValueMode DefaultValueMode [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.ILazyItems
List< ObservableLazyItems [get]
- Events inherited from Ext.Net.StoreBase
EventHandler DataBound
- Events inherited from Ext.Net.Observable
OnBeforeClientInitializedHandler BeforeClientInit
OnAfterClientInitializedHandler AfterClientInit

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ModelStateStore() [1/2]

Ext.Net.ModelStateStore.ModelStateStore ( )

◆ ModelStateStore() [2/2]

Ext.Net.ModelStateStore.ModelStateStore ( Config  config)

Member Function Documentation

◆ DataBind()

override void Ext.Net.ModelStateStore.DataBind ( )

◆ operator ModelStateStore()

static implicit Ext.Net.ModelStateStore.operator ModelStateStore ( ModelStateStore.Config  config)

◆ ToBuilder()

ModelStateStore.Builder Ext.Net.ModelStateStore.ToBuilder ( )

◆ ToNativeBuilder()

override IControlBuilder Ext.Net.ModelStateStore.ToNativeBuilder ( )

Reimplemented from Ext.Net.BaseControl.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: