Ext.NET  5.3.0
.NET Component Framework for Enterprise Level Apps
Ext.Net.ComponentDragger.Config Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for Ext.Net.ComponentDragger.Config:
Ext.Net.DragTracker.Config Ext.Net.LazyObservable.Config Ext.Net.Observable.Config Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config Ext.Net.IApply

Static Public Member Functions

static implicit operator ComponentDragger.Builder (ComponentDragger.Config config)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.DragTracker.Config
static implicit operator DragTracker.Builder (DragTracker.Config config)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
static Config ToConfig (string config)
static TConfig ToConfig< TConfig > (string config)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
override string ToString ()
override bool Equals (object obj)
override int GetHashCode ()
new Type GetType ()
object ApplyIf (object obj)
Apply< T > (object obj)
object Apply (object obj)
virtual string ToScript ()
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.DragTracker.Config
virtual bool TrackOver [get, set]
 Set to true to fire mouseover and mouseout events when the mouse enters or leaves the target element. More...
virtual int Tolerance [get, set]
 Number of pixels the drag target must be moved before dragging is considered to have started. Defaults to 5. More...
virtual int AutoStart [get, set]
 Defaults to 0. Specify a Number for the number of milliseconds to defer trigger start. More...
virtual string ProxyCls [get, set]
 Proxy class More...
virtual string OverCls [get, set]
 A CSS class to add to the DragTracker's target element when the element (or, if the delegate option is used, when a delegate element) is mouseovered. More...
virtual string ConstrainTo [get, set]
 A Region (Or an element from which a Region measurement will be read) which is used to constrain the result of the getOffset call. More...
virtual string Delegate [get, set]
 A DomQuery selector which identifies child elements within the DragTracker's encapsulating Element which are the tracked elements. This limits tracking to only begin when the matching elements are mousedowned. More...
virtual bool PreventDefault [get, set]
 Specify false to enable default actions on onMouseDown events. Defaults to true. More...
virtual bool StopEvent [get, set]
 Specify true to stop the mousedown event from bubbling to outer listeners from the target element (or its delegates). Defaults to false. More...
virtual bool Selection [get, set]
 Defaults to true. If false then no selection tracker More...
virtual string Target [get, set]
 ID of the element that is linked to this instance More...
JFunction OnBeforeStart [get]
JFunction OnStart [get]
JFunction OnCancel [get]
 Template method which mey be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when a mouseup gesture is detected but the onStart has not yet been reached. To clear things up that may have been set up on onBeforeStart. More...
JFunction OnDrag [get]
JFunction OnEnd [get]
DragTrackerListeners Listeners [get]
 Client-side JavaScript Event Handlers More...
DragTrackerDirectEvents DirectEvents [get]
 Server-side DirectEventHandlers More...
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.Observable.Config
ConfigItemCollection CustomConfig [get]
 Collection of custom js config More...
MessageBusListeners MessageBusListeners [get]
MessageBusDirectEvents MessageBusDirectEvents [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
virtual string ItemID [get, set]
 An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component when no object reference is available. More...
virtual bool Disabled [get, set]
virtual short TabIndex [get, set]
virtual bool IsInForm [get, set]
virtual Unit Height [get, set]
virtual Unit Width [get, set]
virtual string ToolTip [get, set]
virtual bool RegisterAllResources [get, set]
virtual bool AutoDataBind [get, set]
virtual IDMode IDMode [get, set]
virtual LazyMode LazyMode [get, set]
virtual string Namespace [get, set]
List< ClientResourceItemResourceItems [get]

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator ComponentDragger.Builder()

static implicit Ext.Net.ComponentDragger.Config.operator ComponentDragger.Builder ( ComponentDragger.Config  config)

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