Ext.NET  5.3.0
.NET Component Framework for Enterprise Level Apps
Ext.Net.DropZone.Config Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for Ext.Net.DropZone.Config:
Ext.Net.DropTarget.Config Ext.Net.DDTarget.Config Ext.Net.DragDrop.Config Ext.Net.Observable.Config Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config Ext.Net.IApply

Static Public Member Functions

static implicit operator DropZone.Builder (DropZone.Config config)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.DropTarget.Config
static implicit operator DropTarget.Builder (DropTarget.Config config)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.DDTarget.Config
static implicit operator DDTarget.Builder (DDTarget.Config config)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
static Config ToConfig (string config)
static TConfig ToConfig< TConfig > (string config)


JFunction GetTargetFromEvent [get]
 Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default this looks up the event target in the Ext.dd.Registry, although you can override this method to provide your own custom lookup. More...
JFunction OnContainerDrop [get]
 Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped on it, but not on any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event if you need the drop zone itself to be able to accept drops. It should return true when valid so that the drag source's repair action does not run. More...
JFunction OnContainerOver [get]
 Called while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is being dragged over it, but not over any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback if necessary. More...
JFunction OnNodeDrop [get]
 Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped onto the drop node. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event and return true so that the drag source's repair action does not run. More...
JFunction OnNodeEnter [get]
 Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has entered a drop node that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of getTargetFromEvent. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide node-specific processing if necessary. More...
JFunction OnNodeOut [get]
 Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dragged out of the drop node without dropping. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide node-specific processing if necessary. More...
JFunction OnNodeOver [get]
 Called while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is over a drop node that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of getTargetFromEvent. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback. More...
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.DropTarget.Config
override string Group [get, set]
 A named drag drop group to which this object belongs. If a group is specified, then this object will only interact with other drag drop objects in the same group (defaults to undefined). More...
virtual string DropAllowed [get, set]
 The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-ok"). More...
virtual string DropNotAllowed [get, set]
 The CSS class returned to the drag source when drop is not allowed (defaults to "x-dd-drop-nodrop"). More...
virtual string OverClass [get, set]
 The CSS class applied to the drop target element while the drag source is over it (defaults to ""). More...
virtual bool ContainerScroll [get, set]
 True to register this container with the Scrollmanager for auto scrolling during drag operations. More...
JFunction NotifyDrop [get]
 The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the dragged item has been dropped on it. This method has no default implementation and returns false, so you must provide an implementation that does something to process the drop event and returns true so that the drag source's repair action does not run. More...
JFunction NotifyEnter [get]
 The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the source is now over the target. This default implementation adds the CSS class specified by overClass (if any) to the drop element and returns the dropAllowed config value. This method should be overridden if drop validation is required. More...
JFunction NotifyOut [get]
 The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls once to notify this drop target that the source has been dragged out of the target without dropping. This default implementation simply removes the CSS class specified by overClass (if any) from the drop element. More...
JFunction NotifyOver [get]
 The function a Ext.dd.DragSource calls continuously while it is being dragged over the target. This method will be called on every mouse movement while the drag source is over the drop target. This default implementation simply returns the dropAllowed config value. More...
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.DragDrop.Config
Paddings DefaultPadding [get]
 Provides default constraint padding to "constrainTo" elements (defaults to {left: 0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0}). More...
DragDropGroups Groups [get]
 The group defines a logical collection of DragDrop objects that are related. Instances only get events when interacting with other DragDrop object in the same group. This lets us define multiple groups using a single DragDrop subclass if we want. More...
virtual bool HasOuterHandles [get, set]
 By default, drags can only be initiated if the mousedown occurs in the region the linked element is. This is done in part to work around a bug in some browsers that mis-report the mousedown if the previous mouseup happened outside of the window. This property is set to true if outer handles are defined. More...
virtual string Target [get, set]
 The id of the element associated with this object. This is what we refer to as the "linked element" because the size and position of this element is used to determine when the drag and drop objects have interacted. More...
virtual string Group [get, set]
 The group of related DragDrop objects More...
virtual bool IgnoreSelf [get, set]
 Set to false to enable a DragDrop object to fire drag events while dragging over its own Element. Defaults to true - DragDrop objects do not by default fire drag events to themselves. More...
virtual string[] InvalidHandleClasses [get, set]
 An Array of CSS class names for elements to be considered in valid as drag handles. More...
virtual string[] InvalidHandleTypes [get, set]
 An array who's items identify HTML tags to be considered invalid as drag handles. More...
virtual string[] InvalidHandleIds [get, set]
 An array who's items identify the IDs of elements to be considered invalid as drag handles More...
virtual bool IsTarget [get, set]
 By default, all instances can be a drop target. This can be disabled by setting isTarget to false. More...
virtual bool MaintainOffset [get, set]
 Maintain offsets when we resetconstraints. Set to true when you want the position of the element relative to its parent to stay the same when the page changes More...
virtual bool MoveOnly [get, set]
 When set to true, other DD objects in cooperating DDGroups do not receive notification events when this DD object is dragged over them. Defaults to false. More...
virtual int[] Padding [get, set]
 The padding configured for this drag and drop object for calculating the drop zone intersection with this object. An array containing the 4 padding values: [top, right, bottom, left] More...
virtual bool PrimaryButtonOnly [get, set]
 By default the drag and drop instance will only respond to the primary button click (left button for a right-handed mouse). Set to true to allow drag and drop to start with any mouse click that is propogated by the browser More...
virtual int[] XTicks [get, set]
 Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a horizontal graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically when you define a tick interval. More...
virtual int[] YTicks [get, set]
 Array of pixel locations the element will snap to if we specified a vertical graduation/interval. This array is generated automatically when you define a tick interval. More...
JFunction GetDragEl [get]
 Returns a reference to the actual element to drag. By default this is the same as the html element, but it can be assigned to another element. An example of this can be found in Ext.dd.DDProxy More...
JFunction EndDrag [get]
 Fired when we are done dragging the object More...
JFunction OnAvailable [get]
 Override the onAvailable method to do what is needed after the initial position was determined. More...
JFunction OnDrag [get]
 Abstract method called during the onMouseMove event while dragging an object. More...
JFunction OnDragDrop [get]
 Abstract method called when this item is dropped on another DragDrop obj More...
JFunction OnDragEnter [get]
 Abstract method called when this element fist begins hovering over another DragDrop obj More...
JFunction OnDragOut [get]
 Abstract method called when we are no longer hovering over an element More...
JFunction OnDragOver [get]
 Abstract method called when this element is hovering over another DragDrop obj More...
JFunction OnInvalidDrop [get]
 Abstract method called when this item is dropped on an area with no drop target More...
JFunction OnMouseDown [get]
 Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mousedown More...
JFunction OnMouseUp [get]
 Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup More...
JFunction StartDrag [get]
 Event handler that fires when a drag/drop obj gets a mouseup More...
JFunction B4Drag [get]
 Code that executes immediately before the onDrag event More...
JFunction B4DragDrop [get]
 Code that executes immediately before the onDragDrop event More...
JFunction B4DragOut [get]
 Code that executes immediately before the onDragOut event More...
JFunction B4DragOver [get]
 Code that executes immediately before the onDragOver event More...
JFunction B4EndDrag [get]
 Code that executes immediately before the endDrag event More...
JFunction B4MouseDown [get]
 Code executed immediately before the onMouseDown event More...
JFunction B4StartDrag [get]
 Code that executes immediately before the startDrag event More...
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.Observable.Config
ConfigItemCollection CustomConfig [get]
 Collection of custom js config More...
MessageBusListeners MessageBusListeners [get]
MessageBusDirectEvents MessageBusDirectEvents [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
virtual string ItemID [get, set]
 An itemId can be used as an alternative way to get a reference to a component when no object reference is available. More...
virtual bool Disabled [get, set]
virtual short TabIndex [get, set]
virtual bool IsInForm [get, set]
virtual Unit Height [get, set]
virtual Unit Width [get, set]
virtual string ToolTip [get, set]
virtual bool RegisterAllResources [get, set]
virtual bool AutoDataBind [get, set]
virtual IDMode IDMode [get, set]
virtual LazyMode LazyMode [get, set]
virtual string Namespace [get, set]
List< ClientResourceItemResourceItems [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.BaseControl.Config
override string ToString ()
override bool Equals (object obj)
override int GetHashCode ()
new Type GetType ()
object ApplyIf (object obj)
Apply< T > (object obj)
object Apply (object obj)
virtual string ToScript ()

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator DropZone.Builder()

static implicit Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.operator DropZone.Builder ( DropZone.Config  config)

Property Documentation

◆ GetTargetFromEvent

JFunction Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.GetTargetFromEvent

Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default this looks up the event target in the Ext.dd.Registry, although you can override this method to provide your own custom lookup.

◆ OnContainerDrop

JFunction Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.OnContainerDrop

Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped on it, but not on any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event if you need the drop zone itself to be able to accept drops. It should return true when valid so that the drag source's repair action does not run.

◆ OnContainerOver

JFunction Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.OnContainerOver

Called while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is being dragged over it, but not over any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback if necessary.

◆ OnNodeDrop

JFunction Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.OnNodeDrop

Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped onto the drop node. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event and return true so that the drag source's repair action does not run.

◆ OnNodeEnter

JFunction Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.OnNodeEnter

Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has entered a drop node that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of getTargetFromEvent. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide node-specific processing if necessary.

◆ OnNodeOut

JFunction Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.OnNodeOut

Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dragged out of the drop node without dropping. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide node-specific processing if necessary.

◆ OnNodeOver

JFunction Ext.Net.DropZone.Config.OnNodeOver

Called while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is over a drop node that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of getTargetFromEvent. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: