Ext.NET  5.3.0
.NET Component Framework for Enterprise Level Apps
Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager:

Public Member Functions

override string BuildStyleBlock ()
override string BuildScripts (bool ignoreRenderScriptsMode)
override string SelfRender ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.ResourceManager
void RegisterBeforeClientInitScript (string script)
bool IsClientSpecialInitScriptRegistered (string key)
void RegisterClientSpecialInitScript (string key, string script)
bool IsClientInitScriptRegistered (string key)
void RegisterClientInitScript (string key, string script)
void RegisterAfterClientInitScript (string script)
void RegisterOnReadyScript (string script)
bool IsClientScriptBlockRegistered (string key)
void RegisterClientScriptBlock (string resourceName)
void RegisterClientScriptBlock (string key, string script)
bool IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered (string key)
void RegisterClientScriptInclude (string resourceName)
void RegisterClientScriptInclude (string resourceName, bool force)
void RegisterClientScriptInclude (Type type, string resourceName)
void RegisterClientScriptInclude (Type type, string resourceName, bool force)
void RegisterClientScriptInclude (string key, string url)
void RegisterClientScriptInclude (string key, string url, bool force)
void RegisterClientStyleBlock (string resourceName)
void RegisterClientStyleBlock (Type type, string resourceName)
void RegisterClientStyleBlock (string key, string styles)
void RegisterClientStyleInclude (string resourceName)
void RegisterClientStyleInclude (Type type, string resourceName)
void RegisterClientStyleInclude (string key, string url)
 ResourceManager ()
 ResourceManager (bool copy)
void Unregister ()
 Remove ResourceManager from the Page. More...
virtual string BuildAll ()
virtual string BuildDirectMethodProxies ()
virtual string BuildDirectMethodProxies (bool dynamicOnly)
void AddDirectMethodControl (Control control)
void AddDirectMethodControl (Control control, bool isDynamic)
void RemoveDirectMethodControl (Control control)
void RemoveDirectMethodControl (Control control, bool isDynamic)
virtual string BuildScriptBlock ()
virtual string BuildScriptBlock (bool withFunctionTemplate)
ResourcePlaceHolder GetResourceContainerByType (ResourceMode type)
virtual string GetWebResourceUrl (string resourceName)
virtual string GetWebResourceUrl (Type type, string resourceName)
virtual string GetWebResourceAsString (string resourceName)
virtual string GetWebResourceAsString (Type type, string resourceName)
virtual string ParseCssWebResourceUrls (Type type, string src)
virtual void RegisterIcon (Icon icon)
virtual void RegisterNS (string ns)
virtual string GetIconClass (Icon icon)
void RaisePostBackEvent (string eventArgument)
virtual void InvalidateNamespace ()
virtual ResourcesStrategy GetResourcesStrategy ()
virtual ResourcesStrategy GetDefaultResourcesStrategy ()
virtual string BuildStyles ()
virtual string BuildScripts ()
void RegisterLocale (string localeCode)
virtual string GetIconUrl (Icon icon)
virtual void AddUpdatePanelToRefresh (Control updatePanel)
virtual void RemoveUpdatePanelToRefresh (Control updatePanel)

Static Public Member Functions

static MvcResourceManager GetMvcInstance ()
static void RegisterLocale (string localeCode)
static string GetThemeUrl (Theme theme)
static void SetTheme (Theme theme)
static void MarkAsMVC ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.ResourceManager
static void AddFactory (Func< FactoryResource, BaseControl > method, string alias, string instance)
static void AddFactory (string path, string alias, string instance)
static void AddFactoryView (string view, string alias, string instance)
static void RemoveFactory (string key)
static bool HasFactory (string key)
static string GetInstanceByAlias (string alias)
static string GetAliasByInstance (string instance)
static IEnumerable< FactoryResourceGetFactories ()
static BaseControl GetFactory (string key)
static void MarkAsRendered (string key)
static bool RenderFactory (string key)
static bool IsSupportedCulture (CultureInfo culture)
static bool IsSupportedCulture (CultureInfo culture, out bool isParentSupported)
static bool IsSupportedCulture (string code)
static bool IsSupportedCulture (string code, out bool isParentSupported)
static void AddInstanceScript (string script)
static void AddBeforeInitScript (string script)
static void AddInstanceScript (string template, params object[] args)
static string GetInstanceScript ()
static string GetBeforeInitScript (bool clear=false)
static void RegisterGlobalIcon (Icon icon)
static void RegisterGlobalScript (string url)
static void RegisterGlobalScript (Type type, string resourceName)
static void RegisterGlobalStyle (string url)
static void RegisterGlobalStyle (Type type, string resourceName)
static void RegisterGlobalResource (ClientResourceItem resource)
static string GetIconClassName (Icon icon)
static string GetIconRequester (Icon icon)
static ResourceManager GetInstance ()
static ResourceManager GetInstance (Page page)
static ResourceManager GetInstance (HttpContext context)
static ParameterCollection JTokenToParams (JToken token)
static void RegisterControlResources< T > ()
static void RegisterControlResources (BaseControl baseControl)
static bool IsMono ()
static bool IsMicrosoftCLR ()
static Control FindControlByConfigID (Control seed, string configID, bool traverse, Control branch)
static Control FindChildControlByConfigID (Control seed, string configID)
static void RegisterUI ()

Protected Member Functions

override void AddInitAchorTag (StringBuilder onready)
virtual void ShareConfig ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ext.Net.ResourceManager
override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e)
override void Render (HtmlTextWriter writer)
override void OnInit (EventArgs e)
virtual void Page_PreRenderComplete (object sender, EventArgs e)
override void OnLoad (EventArgs e)
void Page_AjaxLoadComplete (object sender, EventArgs e)
virtual string GetResourceUrl (ResourceDescriptor descriptor)
virtual string GetThemeName (Theme theme, bool underscore)
virtual string GetThemePath (Theme theme)


static MvcResourceManagerConfigSharedConfig [get, set]
static bool IsMVC [get]
- Properties inherited from Ext.Net.ResourceManager
List< string > ScriptBeforeClientInitBag [get]
InsertOrderedDictionary< string, string > ScriptClientSpecialInitBag [get]
InsertOrderedDictionary< string, string > ScriptClientInitBag [get]
List< string > ScriptAfterClientInitBag [get]
SortedList< long, string > ScriptOnReadyBag [get]
InsertOrderedDictionary< string, string > ClientScriptBlockBag [get]
InsertOrderedDictionary< string, string > ClientScriptIncludeBag [get]
InsertOrderedDictionary< string, string > ClientStyleBlockBag [get]
InsertOrderedDictionary< string, string > ClientStyleIncludeBag [get]
static List< CultureInfo > SupportedCultures [get]
override ConfigOptionsCollection ConfigOptions [get]
virtual string FormID [get, set]
string?? FormIDProxy [get]
virtual bool HasLoadPostData [get, set]
virtual string WindowUnloadMsg [get, set]
 The message to display in the Window unload confirm dialog. Used in conjunction with WindowUnload Listener. More...
virtual bool HideInDesign [get, set]
 Hide the ResourceManager at Design Time. More...
virtual CultureInfo CurrentLocale [get]
virtual string ThemeProxy [get]
override string? UniqueID [get]
override string ConfigIDProxy [get]
List< ResourcePlaceHolder >?? ResourceContainers [get]
virtual ResourcePlaceHolder ResourcePlaceHolder [get]
virtual ResourcePlaceHolder ScriptFilesContainer [get]
virtual ResourcePlaceHolder StyleContainer [get]
virtual string ApplicationName [get]
static string CacheBuster [get]
string RegisteredIcons [get]
string RegisteredNS [get]
virtual List< string > GlobalNS [get]
virtual GlobalListeners GlobalEvents [get, set]
 An Observable through which Ext fires global events. More...
virtual ResourceManagerListeners Listeners [get, set]
 Client-side JavaScript Event Handlers More...
virtual ListenerCollection CustomListeners [get, set]
 Custom Client-side JavaScript Event Handlers More...
ResourceManagerDirectEvents DirectEvents [get, set]
 Server-side Ajax Event Handlers More...
virtual DirectEventCollection CustomDirectEvents [get, set]
 Custom Server-side Ajax Event Handlers More...
virtual StartupMask StartupMask [get, set]
virtual AppInit App [get, set]
static bool? ReturnViewState [get, set]
static object ServiceResponse [get, set]
static ParameterCollection ExtraParamsResponse [get]
static object DirectMethodResult [get, set]
static bool AjaxSuccess [get, set]
static string AjaxErrorMessage [get, set]
virtual int AjaxTimeout [get, set]
 Sets the default Timeout in milliseconds for all AJAX operations: DirectEvents, DirectMethods, loading data to Stores via AJAX (PageProxy, AjaxProxy), etc. Defaults to 30000. More...
virtual DurationMessageCollection DirectEventDurationMessages [get, set]
 The configs of DirectEvent duration messages More...
virtual ? bool? DirectEventForbidDurationMessages [get, set]
 Sets the DirectEvent's forbidDurationMessages property. If true, it forbids showing of duration messages. It can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.DirectEventUrl"], Application["Ext.Net.DirectEventUrl"] and Web.config. More...
virtual ? bool? DirectEventShowDurationMessages [get, set]
 Sets the DirectEvent's showDurationMessages property. It is used as a default value for a DirectEvent EventMask's ShowDurationMessages. It can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.DirectEventUrl"], Application["Ext.Net.DirectEventUrl"] and Web.config. More...
virtual string DirectEventUrl [get, set]
 Gets or Set the default Url to make all DirectEvent requests to if no <form> is available on the Page, or DirectEvent Type='Load'. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.DirectEventUrl"], Application["Ext.Net.DirectEventUrl"] and web.config. More...
virtual string DirectEventUrlProxy [get]
virtual ViewStateMode AjaxViewStateMode [get, set]
 Specifies whether the ViewState should be returned and updated on the client during an DirectEvent. The Default value is to Exclude the ViewState from the Response. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.AjaxViewStateMode"], Application["Ext.Net.AjaxViewStateMode"] and web.config. More...
virtual ClientProxy DirectMethodProxy [get, set]
 Specifies ajax method proxies creation. The Default value is to Create the proxy for each ajax method. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.DirectMethodProxy"], Application["Ext.Net.DirectMethodProxy"] and web.config. More...
virtual ? bool EnableKeyboardMode [get, set]
 When set to 'true', focus styling will be applied to focused elements based on the user interaction mode. More...
override IDMode IDMode [get, set]
 Gets or Sets the IDMode. Manages how a control's id is rendered to the client. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.IDMode"], Application["Ext.Net.IDMode"] and web.config. More...
virtual bool GZip [get, set]
 Specifies whether the Ext.NET ResourceManager will output GZip Embedded JavaScript and Css Resources. Default is 'True'. Can be set within Session["Ext.Net.GZip"], Application["Ext.Net.GZip"] and web.config. More...
virtual bool CleanResourceUrl [get, set]
 Specifies whether the Ext.NET ResourceManager will output 'clean' Url's when linking to Embedded Resources. Default is 'True'. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.CleanResourceUrl"], Application["Ext.Net.CleanResourceUrl"] and web.config. More...
virtual InitScriptMode InitScriptMode [get, set]
 Gets or Sets the InitScriptMode. Specifies how to render the Ext.NET initialization script. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.InitScriptMode"], Application["Ext.Net.InitScriptMode"] and web.config. More...
virtual ResourceLocationType RenderScripts [get, set]
 Determines how or if the required Scripts should be rendered to the Page. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.RenderScripts"], Application["Ext.Net.RenderScripts"] and web.config. More...
virtual ResourceLocationType RenderStyles [get, set]
 Determines how or if the required Styles should be rendered to the Page. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.RenderStyles"], Application["Ext.Net.RenderStyles"] and web.config. More...
virtual string ResourcePath [get, set]
 Gets the prefix of the Url path to the base ~/Ext.Net/ folder containing the resources files for this project. The path can be Absolute or Relative. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.ResourcePath"], Application["Ext.Net.ResourcePath"] and web.config. More...
virtual ScriptMode ScriptMode [get, set]
 Specifies whether the Scripts should be rendered in Release (minified), Debug (non-minified) or Development (non-minified with additional debug information) mode. Default is Release. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.ScriptMode"], Application["Ext.Net.ScriptMode"] and web.config. More...
virtual bool SourceFormatting [get, set]
 Specifies whether the Ext.NET initialization script rendered to the page should be formatted. 'True' = formatted/non-minified, 'False' = minified/compressed. Default is 'False'. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.SourceFormatting"], Application["Ext.Net.SourceFormatting"] and web.config. More...
virtual Theme Theme [get, set]
 Gets or Sets the current Theme. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.Theme"], Application["Ext.Net.Theme"] and web.config. More...
virtual StateProvider StateProvider [get, set]
 Specifies the current state provider to maintain the controls' state. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.ScriptAdapter"], Application["Ext.Net.ScriptAdapter"] and web.config. More...
virtual bool QuickTips [get, set]
 Specifies whether to render the QuickTips. Provides attractive and customizable tooltips for any element. 'True' = QuickTips enabled, 'False' = QuickTips disabled. Default is 'True'. Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.QuickTips"], Application["Ext.Net.QuickTips"] and web.config. More...
virtual string? Locale [get, set]
 Specifies the language of the Ext.NET localization resources to use. For example, "en-GB", "fr-CA", "ru". Default is English. More...
virtual string DirectMethodNamespace [get, set]
 Specifies a custom namespace prefix to use for the DirectMethods. Defaults to App.direct. More...
string? NormalizedDirectMethodNamespace [get]
static string? GlobalNormalizedDirectMethodNamespace [get]
virtual bool DisableViewState [get, set]
 Specifies whether remove ViewState from page's rendering or not. Defaults to true (remove). More...
virtual bool RethrowAjaxExceptions [get, set]
 Rethrow ajax exceptions from catch sections. Default is 'False'. Can be set within Session["Ext.Net.RethrowAjaxExceptions"], Application["Ext.Net.RethrowAjaxExceptions"] and web.config. More...
virtual bool ShowWarningOnAjaxFailure [get, set]
 Show a warning dialog on ajax event failure. Default is 'True'. Can be set within Session["Ext.Net.ShowWarningOnAjaxFailure"], Application["Ext.Net.ShowWarningOnAjaxFailure"] and web.config. More...
override LazyMode LazyMode [get, set]
 Gets or Sets the LazyMode (options for controlling how the lazy control is instantiated in the client.). Can be set at Page level in ResourceManager, Session["Ext.Net.LazyMode"], Application["Ext.Net.LazyMode"] and web.config. More...
virtual bool SubmitDisabled [get, set]
 If false then disabled fields will not be submitted. Can be set within Session["Ext.Net.SubmitDisabled"], Application["Ext.Net.SubmitDisabled"] and web.config. More...
override string Namespace [get, set]
 The application's JavaScript namespace. Defaults to "App". More...
string? NormalizedNamespace [get]
static string? GlobalNormalizedNamespace [get]
virtual string LicenseKey [get, set]
virtual bool RTL [get, set]
 True to layout the page in "rtl" (right-to-left) mode. Default is false. Can be set within Session["Ext.Net.RTL"], Application["Ext.Net.RTL"] and Web.config (lowercase "rtl" option). More...
virtual string ThemePath [get, set]
 Configure the path to the custom theme .css and .js (if required) file globally across the entire application. This will override any .Theme setting. You can specify several files by delimiting them with "|". For example, "some.css|another.css|some.js|another.js". Regularly, you will need to specify the only .css file, for example, "some.css" or two files - one .css and one .js - "some.js|some.css". More...
virtual bool ResetStyles [get, set]
 True to reset default browser styles. More...
virtual ? bool? EnableAria [get, set]
 Set to true to enable Accessibility (ARIA). Defaults to: true More...
virtual ? bool? EnableAriaButtons [get, set]
 Set to false to disable WAI-ARIA compatibility checks for buttons. More...
virtual ? bool? EnableAriaPanels [get, set]
 Set to false to disable WAI-ARIA compatibility checks for panels. More...
virtual string GlyphFontFamily [get, set]
 Sets the default font-family to use for components that support a glyph config. More...
virtual Type ResourcesStrategyType [get, set]
 Full qualifed name of class with strategy More...
virtual string ResourcePathProxy [get]
virtual string CDNPathProxy [get]
virtual List< Control > AllUpdatePanels [get]
virtual List< Control >?? UpdatePanelsToRefresh [get]
virtual List< string >?? UpdatePanelIDsToRefresh [get]
virtual Control TriggerUpdatePanel [get]
virtual string TriggerUpdatePanelID [get]
override bool RemoveContainer [get]
override string CallID [get]
 An id to call client side methods More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from Ext.Net.ResourceManager
static readonly string OnReadyTemplate = "Ext.onReady(function(){{" + onReadyBegin + "{0}" + onReadyEnd + "}});"
const string ScriptBlockTemplate = " <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n //<![CDATA[\n {0}\n //]]>\n </script>\n"
const string SimpleScriptBlockTemplate = "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">{0}</script>"
const string ScriptIncludeTemplate = "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{0}\"></script>"
const string StyleBlockTemplate = "\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n{0}\n </style>"
const string StyleBlockItemTemplate = "\n {0}"
const string StyleIncludeTemplate = "\n <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{0}\" />"
const string ExtNetStyleIncludeTemplate = "\n <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{0}\" id=\"extnet-styles\" />"
const string ResetStyleIncludeTemplate = "\n <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{0}\" id=\"extnet-resetstyles\" />"
const string ThemeIncludeTemplate = "\n <link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{0}\" id=\"ext-theme\" />"
const string CommentTemplate = "\n <!-- {0} -->"
const string FunctionTemplate = "function(){{{0}}}"
const string FunctionTemplateWithParams = "function({0}){{{1}}}"
const string FilterMarker = "ExtNetInitScriptFilter"
const string INSTANCESCRIPT = "Ext.Net.ResourceMgr.InstanceScript"
const string BEFOREINITSCRIPT = "Ext.Net.ResourceMgr.BeforeInitScript"
const string GLOBAL_RESOURCES = "Ext.Net.GlobalResources"
const string GLOBAL_CLIENT_RESOURCES = "Ext.Net.GlobalClientResources"
static readonly string WarningTemplate = "<Ext.Net.InitScript.Warning><script type=\"text/javascript\">Ext.onReady(function(){Ext.Msg.show({title:'Warning',msg:'The <code>web.config</code> file for this project is missing the required DirectRequestModule.<br /><br /><div style=\"margin-left:48px;\"><b>Example</b><br /><br /><code>&lt;system.web><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;httpModules><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;add name=\"DirectRequestModule\" type=\"Ext.Net.DirectRequestModule, Ext.Net\" /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/httpModules><br />&lt;/system.web></code><br /><br />More information available at \"<a href=\"https://examples.ext.net/?/Getting_Started/Introduction/Overview/\">Getting Started</a>\".</div><br />',buttons: Ext.Msg.OK,icon: Ext.MessageBox.WARNING});});</script></Ext.Net.InitScript.Warning>" + Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(Transformer.NET.ItemTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "selector", "warning" } }, "")
static readonly string ViewStateToken = Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(Transformer.NET.ItemTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "selector", "viewstate" } }, "")
static readonly string PostBackMethodToken = Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(Transformer.NET.ItemTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "selector", "postback" } }, "")
static readonly string RemoveBlocksToken = Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(Transformer.NET.ItemTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "selector", "removeblocks" } }, "")
static readonly string RemoveLeadingEmptyLines = Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(Transformer.NET.ItemTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "selector", "removeLeadingEmptyLines" } }, "")
static readonly string RemoveLeadingEmptyLinesAfterForm = Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(Transformer.NET.ItemTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "selector", "removeLeadingEmptyLinesAfterForm" } }, "")
static readonly string InputsToken = Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(InputFieldsTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "ref", "init_script" }, { "index", "-100" } }, "")
static readonly string InputsVSToken = Transformer.NET.Net.CreateToken(typeof(InputFieldsTag), new Dictionary<string, string> { { "viewstate", "true" }, { "ref", "init_script" }, { "index", "-100" } }, "")
const string ASSEMBLYSLUG = "Ext.Net.Build.Ext.Net"

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddInitAchorTag()

override void Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.AddInitAchorTag ( StringBuilder  onready)


Reimplemented from Ext.Net.ResourceManager.

◆ BuildScripts()

override string Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.BuildScripts ( bool  ignoreRenderScriptsMode)


Reimplemented from Ext.Net.ResourceManager.

◆ BuildStyleBlock()

override string Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.BuildStyleBlock ( )


Reimplemented from Ext.Net.ResourceManager.

◆ GetMvcInstance()

static MvcResourceManager Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.GetMvcInstance ( )

◆ GetThemeUrl()

static string Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.GetThemeUrl ( Theme  theme)

Reimplemented from Ext.Net.ResourceManager.

◆ MarkAsMVC()

static void Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.MarkAsMVC ( )

◆ RegisterLocale()

static void Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.RegisterLocale ( string  localeCode)

◆ SelfRender()

override string Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.SelfRender ( )


◆ SetTheme()

static void Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.SetTheme ( Theme  theme)

◆ ShareConfig()

virtual void Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.ShareConfig ( )

Property Documentation


bool Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.IsMVC

◆ SharedConfig

MvcResourceManagerConfig? Ext.Net.MVC.MvcResourceManager.SharedConfig

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: